Israel is under siege by the Syrians and there iswide spread famine in the land. Four staving leapersdecide to take action to avoid certain death. As thedo the, Lord does something amazing.Rev. Gary Goodes looks at this under three sections.1. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Naaman was a very successful military general, a manof valor, wealth and status but he was a leper. Godgives him instructions how he can be cleansed andhealed.Rev. Gary Goodes looks at this instruction underthree sections.1. THE MESSAGE THAT HE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Why was there three hours of darkness at Calvary,when the Son of God became sin for man?Rev. Gary Goodes Looks at this under three sections.1.CONVEYED A MESSAGE OF THE IMPORTANCE OF CHRIST.2.CONCEALED THE MISERY OF THE DEATH OF...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The sin of covetousness is so dangerous, it starts ofdeep in the heart, hidden to others. If the covetousheart is left unchecked it can bring forth theactions of stealing, murder and adultery.Rev. Ken Elliot looks at covetousness under fourmain...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This is a highly recommended sermon for youthpastors, youth leaders, youth workers and youngpeople.Many people will try many things in this world butnone will satisfy and none will save. Only the Lordcan satisfy only He can save.Rev. Gary Goodes...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Israel is under siege by the Syrians and there iswide spread famine in the land. Four staving leapersdecide to take action to avoid certain death. As thedo the, Lord does something amazing.Rev. Gary Goodes looks at this under three sections.1. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth usfrom all sin”Rev. Gary Goodes looks at the blood under three mainheadings.1. COMES FROM A SUPERNATURAL PERSON.2. CLEANSES WITH A SUPERNATURAL POWER.3. COMPLETES A SUPERNATURAL...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many in the world are not far from the Kingdom ofGod. They may have heard the Gospel, have a familymember who is saved or even attend an evangelicalchurch. What a privilege, but they are still outsidethe Kingdom of GodRev. Gary Goodes looks at...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We are all triune beings, made up of body, spirit andsoul. Although the body must die, the soul will existin eternity. Where will your eternity be spent?Rev. Gary Goodes looks at the soul under three mainheadings.1. THE REALITY OF THE SOUL.2. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The greatest, most precious crown in this world wasthat crown of thorns that pierced the Savour’s brow.It had no gold or diamonds but had the precious rubydroplets of the blood of Christ.Rev. Gary Goodes looks at the crown of thorns...[ abbreviated | read entire ]