The advent of the Lord Jesus Christ is looked at, inrelation to his deity. The Lord being the Eternal Sonof God, the second person of the God head.Rev. Ken Elliot looks at this under three mainheadings1. THE PERSON THAT ADVENT CENTERS ON2. THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Joseph of Arimathaea pleaded with Pilate for theSavior‘s body. As Joseph and Nicodemus prepared theLord for His burial, Nicodemus would have saw andremembered the words of the prophet Isaiah.Mr. Robert McConnell looks at this under three...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Israel is going into battle but their hearts meltwithin, fear enters and they runway from the battle.So often this can happen to a nation, a church or theindividual.Mr Raymond Robinson looks at this under three mainheadings1. SIN IN THE CAMP2....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Christian is one who has been converted, from alife without Christ, to a life with Christ. One whohas been converted from the old paths of sin to thenew paths of righteousness.Rev. Ken Elliot examines conversion under foursections1. THE REALITY...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This parable of the servant and the feast is lookedat from the servant’s perspective. As the Lord’sservants we must bid others to come to the Lord'sgreat salvation feast.Rev. Ken Elliot looks at this servant under fourmain headings1....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
At this special remembrance service, we are remainedof all those you give there lives for our freedom.This remains us of the greatest love of all, when theLord gave his life as a ransom for many.Rev. Ken Elliot looks at this love under...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God hath not promised skies always blue,Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;God hath not promised sun without rain,Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.But God hath promised strength for the day,Rest for the labor, light for the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Praise God, Jesus came to this world. Every day youwrite the date you confirm this. He came for thelost, mankind, which includes you and me. He came tosave us from sin, death and hell by his perfect life,atoning death and glorious...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is so easy for the believer to become discouragedand apathetic, because of the trails, the pressuresand the cares of this life. God encourages us to keepbelieving and to keep our eyes fixed on His BelovedSon.Rev. Ken Elliot looks at this with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Christian is one who has been converted, from alife without Christ, to a life with Christ. One whohas been converted from the old paths of sin to thenew paths of righteousness.Rev. Ken Elliot examines conversion under foursections1. THE REALITY...[ abbreviated | read entire ]