Zeal is a good quality provide it is channel in the correct area and used for good. Real zeal is with knowledge and it never contrary to the Word of God. Rev Ken Elliot looks at zeal under three sections 1. THE DEFINITION OF IT. 2. THE DIRECTION...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Who we keep company with has a big influence on us, so it is very important to keep the right company. “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not”. Rev. Jim Hartin looks at this call under three main headings. 1.COLLECTIVE NATURE OF THE...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Fellowship with other believers is important to the child of God, with those who have been born again by the Spirit of God and washed in the precious blood of Christ. Rev. Jim Hartin looks at Christian fellowship under five sections. 1. THANKFUL...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“Do thyself no harm: for we are all here” Rev. David McMillan looks at suicide under 3 main headings 1.WHO WANTS YOU TO COMMIT SUICIDE? 2.WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO COMMIT SUICIDE? 3.HOW TO BE DELIVERED FROM SUICIDE. Yes praise God, you can be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is so easy for God’s people to get caught up with the cares and things of this world, that the primary task, reaching the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ slips down the list. Rev. David McMillan looks at this message under five sections...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Man’s doctrines and God’s doctrines are dynamically opposed. At the feast of the tabernacles the Lord Jesus states his doctrine was not from Him, but the one who sent Him (God). Rev. David McLaughlin looks at God’s doctrine under three main...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The believer is the light and the Lord Jesus is the source of that light. This parable of the candle and the bushel is examined under two main headings. 1. THE QUESTION THAT IS RAISED Do you hide a lamp to hide its light? 2. THE QUESTION THAT IS...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Lord Jesus Christ’s life & death took place to satisfy God and not to please man. The Lord’s life is examined under the following four headings. 1. THE HOSTILITY OF MAN HAS TOWARDS HIM. Not believed, cursed and rejected. 2. HIS LIFE WAS A...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is a church? What is the invisible church? What is the local church? What are its gifts today? Please see The Gifted Church Part 1 [05-08-07] 1. PRESENCE OF GIFTS IN THE CHURCH 2. PROVIDER OF GIFTS IN THE CHURCH Rev. Ken Elliot looks at the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Mankind is divided into two classes, in this passage the wheat and chaff are used as an illustration. On the outside both look similar but only the wheat has any substance inside. Jesus Christ is the believer’s inward substance. 1.MANKIND IS...[ abbreviated | read entire ]