Readings: Article 12 of the First Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; Galatians 3; & Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 28. Congregational Worship: Psalter 76; Psalter 186; Psalter 347; Psalter 185:1-2; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 9 of the First Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; Genesis 17; & Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 27. Congregational Worship: Psalter 65; Psalter 289:1-3, & 18; Psalter 448:2; Psalter 425:5; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 8 of the First Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; Psalm 103; & Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 26. Congregational Worship: Psalter 31:2-3; Psalter 143; Psalter 73:1-2 & 5; Psalter 140:1; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 7 of the First Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt & Esther 2:1-11. Congregational Worship: Psalter 223; Psalter 18:3-9; Psalter 415:3; Psalter 179:3-4; & Doxology (Psalter 196).