Readings: Article 15 of the Fifth Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; & Leviticus 17. Congregational Worship: Psalter 422:3; Psalter 389:1-4; Psalter 187:3-4; Psalter 217:1 & 4; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 14 of the Fifth Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; & John 4. Congregational Worship: Psalter 225; Psalter 415:1-2 & 4; Psalter 238; Psalter 94:1-4; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 13 of the Fifth Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; Micah 6; & Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 5. Congregational Worship: Psalter 244:1 & 5; Psalter 163; Psalter 12; Psalter 381:1 & 4; Doxology (Psalter 196).