Readings: Article 3 of the Fifth Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; & Acts 2:14-37. Congregational Worship: Psalter 29; Psalter 265; Psalter 28; Psalter 202; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 2 of the Fifth Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; & Luke 15. Congregational Worship: Psalter 444:3; Psalter 306; Psalter 233:1-3; Psalter 420:5; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 1 of the Fifth Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; Genesis 50; & Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 49. Congregational Worship: Psalter 203; Psalter 117; Psalter 366; Psalter 128:3; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 17 of the Third & Fourth Heads of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; Revelation 21; & Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 48. Congregational Worship: Psalter 374; Psalter 3; Psalter 257; Psalter 444:8; Doxology (Psalter 196).
Readings: Article 16 of the Third & Fourth Heads of Doctrine of the Canons of Dordt; & Hebrews 2. Congregational Worship: Psalter 14:1 & 3-5; Psalter 144:1-5; Psalter 303:1-2; Psalter 45:1-3; & Doxology (Psalter 196).