Hello, This Sunday was a exciting day, for several reasons. One, we had some visitors to preach salvation to. One middle-aged couple saw our sign and came in just to see what we were like. They go to the 1000+ attendee Charismatic church across...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, Tomorrow our summer day camp starts, so we today between services pretty much everybody was busy with final preparations. We have 39 kids signed up, and most of them are new kids. We handed out camp flyers/invitations to church in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is the time of year that people here get the wanderlust and start going to the countryside. We will have to redouble our efforts to get people into church on Sunday mornings now. We had two visitors this morning, but they didn't make it past...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We had several unsaved to preach the Gospel to this Sunday. Several were people that were invited by our people. One was a young man that received a tract at his door. It is always a blessing to see some sort of fruit from door knocking! We...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, It rained for the first time this year today! That is always a big event. The past few days we have been having snow, but today it rained for about 30 seconds! This is the time of year for "review" at the secondary schools, so it is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, We had a few unsaved people to preach to this Sunday, though not as many as last week. There is just something about holidays, even if it is not a holiday that the people here celebrate or know, that seems to get people out. We did have...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, We thank God for a few first-time visitors this morning to preach the Gospel to. I think two came just having received an invitation in the past few days. We had some unsaved that have been here before also. One man for whom we pray but...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hello, God gave us a good day today, with a few visitors in the morning, and some new kids. The kids attendance is up from before the summer for now. We pray that we can keep them all when school starts. This evening a young man with whom I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We had a good day today of service, fellowship, worship and preaching. We pray that we will see some fruit from this morning's preaching in that one or two people would give themselves more to serving God. We just pray that some people's eyes...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I was reminded today that people do pray for urgent requests, and I need to let them know when God has answered those prayers. Sorry for not telling you all right away, but God has provided us a translator for the Rich's. I will write more about...[ abbreviated | read entire ]