The foremost nation in the world killed its worst enemy a few days ago. That nation and most of the world erupted in celebration of that death. The following weekend a news reporter published an article regarding the response of that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
While driving slowly to the meetinghouse on a snowy Lord’s Day, I waved to an officer sitting in a police car in a parking lot beside the street. I saw no response at all. And I became somewhat concerned when I noticed the officer’s...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Bill Green was a faithful member of the church I formerly pastored in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. He was retired from secular employment when the church called me to be their pastor. He therefore requested permission to accompany me to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The poem Invictus is arguably the best-remembered work of William Ernest Henley (1849-1903). The poem’s title comes from the Latin word meaning “unconquered”. It is said Henley wrote the poem in 1875 to express his defiance and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Proverb 28:1 I have met preachers who professed to embrace the gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace in Jesus Christ, but refused to preach it in their churches because it would perhaps result in their ouster therefrom. I have...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Luke 24:27 & Genesis 1-3 “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.”The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ spoke of the Old Testament when He declared...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Revelation 4:1-11John the apostle in Revelation 4:1-11 records a glorious description of the saints in heaven. He beholds God seated on His throne in all His glory (vv.1-3). Surrounding God’s throne are the twenty-four thrones of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We utilized for the first time last Lord’s Day the new public address system in the chapel. Previously, a speaker could be heard only when he stood close to the stationary microphone at the pulpit. Now, with the wireless microphone worn by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The slothful man does not roast what he took in hunting, But diligence is man’s precious possession (Proverb 12:27). The slothful man does not roast what he took in hunting, – Here is the man in danger of starving because he does not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
While visiting a lady stricken with cancer, her husband expressed his hope that I was not critical of persons who differ with me religiously. I replied, “Let us suppose a cure is found for your wife’s cancer. You go to the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]