Sometimes in Scripture we come across a very simple statement – innocuous on the surface, but incredibly revealing and powerful. And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In the book of Daniel we are told about King Nebuchadnezzar who ruled over Babylon about 600 years B.C. He was an interesting fellow, who seemed to have a bit of a wild, prideful temperament, but also a soft heart and one that God was ultimately...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One of the most joyful promises in Scripture is the assurance of our salvation. In times like these, the assurance of almost anything seems far-fetched, yet God reveals that we can be confident of His love and our eternal security in His arms. I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Welcome to 2021! All the world’s problems ended at the stroke of midnight a week ago, right? Not so much. When the world around us seems so chaotic and unstable, there’s only one place to turn: the unchangeable LORD our God. Psalm...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last week we looked at John 1:1-4, and this week as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Messiah, I’d like to examine at a few more verses from this beautiful passage of Scripture: The true light, which gives light to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We’re just two weeks away from Christmas. This year the Christmas season feels a little different, doesn’t it? And maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. It’s really easy to get lost in the secularism of a commercialized...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today I’d like highlight two verses that have been on my mind and heart recently. While it is often easy to take verses out of context and apply meaning that isn’t really there, I believe these two can stand on their own comfortably...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We’re less than a week away from Thanksgiving, which has an interesting and diverse history in our great nation. The original seed for celebrating thanksgiving as we know it started with the Pilgrims in Plymouth back in 1621. After that,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As if things couldn’t get any more “2020” the elections this week certainly seem like the capstone to a bizarre year. Reading the news these days I find myself comically shaking my head as the world seems to be falling off its...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Change may be one of the hardest things humans endure on an ongoing basis because it introduces unknown. Our comfort is disrupted and normal is destabilized. We can’t see the future, and when change occurs that becomes even more obvious....[ abbreviated | read entire ]