Our Father in Heaven, help us to worship Thee aright. Be pleased with us as we come into Thy presence. We cannot see You. You have chosen not to respond to us audibly. You are in some way shrouded in secret and we cannot cast our eyes upon You....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our Father in Heaven, we are the sheep and You are the Shepherd. We tend to go astray. We tend to fall off the edge. We do not see our enemies well. We cannot outrun the fox. We cannot find our way to the water. We are easily overcome by sin.
Our Father in Heaven, Thou hast led us to the cross where we have cast off our burdens of guilt and sin and we have seen them vanish. Mountains of our guilt are cast into the sea and have sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Our sins have been...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our Father in Heaven, grant that our zeal and love for Thee will never wane. Grant that our praise shall ever be over flowing from hearts deep with songs of joy. Lord, we are a blessed people, yet sometimes we live like we are in misery. What...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Almighty, eternal, and merciful God and Father, we are poor sinners and we confess that we have sinned in many ways against You and against Your commandments.We confess that we have not believed in You, our one God and Father. We have oftentimes...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our Father, we live in a nation and a world that is quickly changing. We are Christians. We believe that there is only one true and living God who exists in three persons - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The pressure of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Lord, as the gentle breeze on a hot day relieves our bodies, so may Thy Holy Spirit impart to us here today the peace of God to relieve our minds of all its troubles. Lord, we are prone to worry and to be anxious. We are prone to be weighed down...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our Father, the attitude of the world toward Christians is changing. Once, we were the salt of the earth. Now we are considered dangerous. Once, we were the voice of reason in an irrational world. Now we are considered unbending. Once we were...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our Father in Heaven, we are weak but You are strong. We are foolish, but You are wise. We are poor, but You are rich. We make mistakes, but You are perfect. We sin, but You are sinless. We see as in a shadow, but You see clearly. We are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our Father we have heard a great deal this week about being safe. We all want to be safe. In a world of change and the unknown, it is indeed hard to think that we will ever be safe. When we are safe, we are only safe for awhile. Even when we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]