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Prayer 4.19.2009
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009
Posted by: Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church | more..
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Our Father we have heard a great deal this week about being safe. We all want to be safe. In a world of change and the unknown, it is indeed hard to think that we will ever be safe. When we are safe, we are only safe for awhile. Even when we think we are safe, then sometimes the troubles of this world rain hardship upon us.

Lord, remind us that apart from Thee none of us are safe. Salvation is safety in the midst of trouble. Noah had to go through the flood but Noah was safe from the flood. Daniel had to face the lions but Daniel was safe from the lions. Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego had to face the heat of the fire, but they were safe from the burning flames. David from had to run from Saul, but David was safe from King Saul. The disciples were nearly capsized, but the disciples were safe in the storm with Jesus in the boat. Lord, we must face hardship, sickness, heartache, fear, but we are safe. In the midst of the storm, we are safe in Christ.

Lord, give us the assurance that no matter what comes our way that we will be safe. We are not promised ease in this world with devils filled. The rains flood the valleys and the lightning burns down the forest. The healthy man dies unexpectantly and the sick live for years and years. Troubles come upon us as the sparks fly upward.

Yet, Lord, we do have the promise that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and who have been called according to His purpose. You have a purpose in everything. Often, it is only despair that drives us to our knees. It is discouragement that draws us closer to Christ. Victory is wonderful, but it is dangerous. Wealth is a blessing, but it can also be a curse. Confidence is important, but it can also be our downfall. Lord we are betwixt the blessings and the danger of the blessings. Men tend to forget Thee when they sit under their own fig tree and eat their own figs. Lord, forgive us when we have not been wise.

Lord, we pray for those who find themselves without jobs. We pray for those who are sent home and have no place to go tomorrow. We pray for those who are deep in debt and whose income has fallen. We pray for those who never planned for hard times. Lord, may this be the day for a change of heart. May this be the day where they look beyond themselves to You.

Man's despair is God's opportunity. Man's deep disappointment is the time for which the Church has been appointed. May the Lord through His people come along side of the suffering, the depressed, the downcast and be a strong arm.

Our Father, we do thank You today for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Help us to understand what that really means. Jesus conquered death not only for Himself, but for us. Both the death of the spirit and the death of the body were put to death in the death of Christ.

Our Father, we believe in prayer, not as some psychological need, or some sense of comfort, but we believe in prayer because we know You hear us and all power is in Your possession. You created the world out of nothing. You cause the sun to rise and set in the sky each day. Men live and die, but You are the Ancient of Days. You are the owner of every inch of ground on this earth and every foot of space in the heavens. You are infinite in Your reach and no one can stay Your hand. You can manipulate every situation, every crisis, every heart of every king to accomplish Your decrees. You have appointed our day of birth and You have appointed our day of death. We soon become a memory and are forgotten. Our names remain on a tombstone in some cemetery, and life goes on without us. Who are we to be proud? Who are we to be arrogant? You are sovereign in all Your ways. You are eternal, infinite, and everlasting. To You we offer our prayers and in You is the power to answer our prayers.

Lord, give us love for one another. Help us to consider our brothers and sisters in Christ as more important than ourselves. Help us to talk less about ourselves and inquire more about others. Give us a heart that can shed tears along with the suffering. Give us a spirit that can weep with those who weep. Open our pocketbooks when there is a financial need. Lord, unless You had given us grace, we would be the one with tears. We would have fallen. We would be the tail and not the head. We would be the borrower and not the lender. We take no pride in ourselves. We defer to Thy grace.

Accept our prayers in Christ's name we pray. Amen.

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