Our Father in Heaven, grant that our zeal and love for Thee will never wane. Grant that our praise shall ever be over flowing from hearts deep with songs of joy. Lord, we are a blessed people, yet sometimes we live like we are in misery. What generation on earth ever had what we have today? We can get into carriages and move from place to place in only a few minutes. We can put ourselves in a seat and sit in the middle of the air 30,000 feet high from the earth while we fly from the far east to the far west. We can go to a building, cool and clean, and purchase whatever our hearts desire, from fresh vegetables to frozen ice cream. When we are sick, we have access to medical care that surpasses even our dreams. We have entertainment before us twenty-four hours a day. We have books to read and the light to make the darkness disappear at night. We have clothes to wear made of many colors and many materials.
Our bellies are full. Our houses are filled with good things. And Lord, we complain. We grumble over the most silly things. The temperature is not fully comfortable. The cushion is too hard. The cushion is too soft. The colors don't match. We don't make enough money. We need a bigger car. We need a bigger house. The food is too cold. The food is too hot. The waiter is too slow. The service is not good enough.
Lord, we have become monsters who can never be satisfied. We have become complaining grouches. We are the richest people who have ever lived on the face of the earth, and we gripe about everything. Lord, we have no real testimony if we have no contentment. We have no right to speak the gospel, if we demand of others what they are unable to give. We complain about the postman. We complain about the boss. We complain about the company that employs us. We complain about the sun. We complain about the rain. We complain about the driver in front of us on the highway. We complain about the red light as we sit waiting. We complaint about the old woman who is too slow. We complain about the children who make too much noise.
Lord, considering who we are, are You still willing to hear us? We see miracles every day, and yet groan, and grumble so much. Is it right for us to ask of You anything? Is appropriate to ask You to bless us? Should an ungrateful child expect anything from his Father?
Oh Lord, we don't know how repulsive we must be to You. We don't realize how ugly we must appear to You. We think we deserve to be the children of Your inheritance, but really we should get nothing. We think all of our goodness must count for something, but it really does not count for much at all considering our attitude.
Lord , awaken us to our true nature. Enlighten us so that we can see ourselves as You see us. We have fooled ourselves into thinking we are pretty when we are actually hideous. We can dress ourselves up on the outside, but if our hearts are dark, then what have we gained, but a head start on hypocrisy.
Lord, forgive us of our sins. Forgive us when we complain about small things. Forgive us when we act like tyrants and treat the lowly like tramps. Forgive us when we forget that apart from Thy grace we would be like the prodigal son, empty, broke, and an embarrassment to the family. Lord, we are not justifying sin or laziness in others, but we are in need of taking account of how many people we have hurt because we have been unpleasant and uncaring.
Lord, change us that we might shine as the light of the noon day sun. Change us that we might be known first for our kindness. Change us so that we might be known for our sacrificial spirit. Make us a people where duty exceeds our selfishness, and where our vows move us when we become lazy and lax in our commitment even to Thy Church.
Jesus died to save sinners from their sin. He calls us to deny ourselves. He calls us to die unto ourselves. He calls us to pay a heavy cost. We have paid little and reaped much. We have lost very little and gained everything. Where do we stand today, O Lord? We can plead nothing but the blood of Christ. We have no hope but in Him. Change us and remake us after His image. He gave everything for us. Help us to imitate His love as we live day by day in this world. In Christ's Name we pray. Amen.