Great Sermon! We had to stay home today because Katherine had a sick stomach. So this was my first time using SermonAudio. I really appreciated this message, Ps Ed. It was a challenge that the Lord knew I needed. Thanks for your faithfulness over there...keep it up!
Can Hardly Wait to Share This With My Wife Dear Pastor Brent Baughman, after speaking with on the phone about your church, it was a wonderful blessing to listen to this first sermon in your series, "Standing True in Turbulence" because the Lord Jesus Christ knows we are living in increasingly difficult and perilous times. Which is something my wife and I both know all too well and why I believe this message will well encourage her too, with exposition of what God wants us to hear through Simon Peter, the Truth of Christ that is indeed worth standing up for and the Truth of His reality and faithfulness in which and by which we can stand. It is of course a great joy to pray for pastors like you who would feed the people of God with the word of God that they might grow in their faith and knowledge of our Risen Savior Jesus Christ, even to seeing Him glorified in their standing.