Your visit to the Stanley Heights SermonAudio home page is not an accident but God's appointment for you. SHBC is a haven for people of all backgrounds in the Chattanooga area seeking biblically balanced ministry extending locally, regionally, globally and generationally.
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Primary Speaker: Brent BaughmanPastor Baughman holds a degree in Bible from Bob Jones University, masters degrees from Pensacola Theological Seminary and Bethany Seminary, a Specialist in Ministry degree from Bob Jones Seminary, and a Doctorate of Ministry at Maranatha Baptist Seminary.... | more..
I promote SermonAudio in the pastoral administration class I teach at a small, local Bible college. I tell my students and others that any church can afford and should use SermonAudio. I am amazed at its global reach. I think it is a great tool. It opens up many ministry opportunities. It’s a wonderful resource for God’s people and to reach lost people.
In addition to a place for sermon content, our church has been blessed by the Gospel of John which SermonAudio produces. We brought hundreds of these and still distribute them around Easter time in our community. They are beautifully done and we find that most people will accept this little book.
I can’t say enough about the potential that SermonAudio presents. It’s a great opportunity every church needs to consider and utilize!