IFB Churches Promoting Respect of Persons It is so tragic that so many IFB Churches across America are promoting this transgression of respect of persons called American patriotism. Of course, the idolatry and pridefulness of American patriotism is hard to eradicate, even since it is a favourite trangression among Fundamental Baptists across America. This is one of the reason why so many IFB churches have a disregard for people in nations outside of American soil. Promoting the idolatry of American patriotism in the IFB is no different than the idolatry of Roman Catholicism. The only difference is that the idol of Mary is replaced with the Statue of Liberty in American IFB churches. Fundamental Baptist churches much repent of this respect of persons called redneck American patriotism before it is too late. The sad reality is that most of them will not do so.
Praise God for this!! Praise the Lord for this timely message. Fox News followers are members of a cult. They are doing tremendous damage and harm to our Lord's church. How can we wake them up? How can we lead rhem ro repentance? Let's follow Christ instead of TV personalities. Let's read the scriptures and pray instead of watching TV.
Thank you for this and other bold messages. You and Bro. Jade have been a help and encouragement.
Great Sermon! Good sermon. Thank you.
Deuteronomy 31:8 KJV
“And the Lord , he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.â€
Great Sermon! Amen and Amen! Excellent sermon brother. I’ve listened to probably over a thousand sermons in my life. This is the most complete sermon I’ve heard on how young adults should prepare for marriage.
Such an important message! Pastor Adams,
I thank you for this needed message. I found an excellent series on Church History recently, but the last message was about Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones and Billy Graham, and though I deeply appreciate the ministry of Dr. Lloyd Jones, whom I heard preach on one occasion, I was horrified to hear Billy Graham spoken of a great man of God, when in fact he did more to encourage people to take the "broad Way" which leads to destruction and promote the ecumenical movement than any other person. Thank you again for taking a stand for the truth, for our precious Lord Jesus who is Himself the Truth, the Life and the Way.
Please Listen Yes. This is the truth. Thank you pastor. There is no excuse or reasonable explanation for this practice. It is another way that "culture" has replaced Christianity. God Is Not Mocked.
Very concise. I revisit this topic almost every year. I had never heard this recording previously but I am glad I finally stumbled upon it. I found this sermon to be a very concise and clearly recorded presentation. I look forward to hearing more from this gentleman.
Excellent! I just wanted to express my appreciation for this wonderful explanation and refutation of theistic theology and the gap theory. Pastor Adams stance on truth is a remarkable blessing that’s seldom shared from many pulpits today. In this day of deception we need men who are standing for God’s truth, although I firmly believe God’s truth is not something that can easily be destroyed by the vain and foolish imaginations of man.
The scientists who beam with pride over their accomplishments in ‘deep space’ still peering into the darkness trying to find the god particle, unaware that the ‘Jack Webb’ was manufactured by man and what they are trying to attain is spiritually impossible without having an encounter with Jesus; the God of the Bible and He is not a particle.
Great Sermon! Yeahhhh praise God...awesome sermon sir...I wish I could blast this on all the news networks and radio stations nation wide....ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
Useful sermon Sometimes we need to hear the other side. This sermon is obviously from a different perspective that most democratic western, European, and Asian churches. This will be a good exercise to building discernment and establishing our own opinions. Here is what you will hear in this sermon:
- Quotes from Russian state media on the matter and why we can trust them
- Quotes from their elected president saying not so nice things about America
- Statements on American media bias and deception
- That the war on Ukraine from 2014 was largely manufactured by the west, especially Presidents, right wing media.
- Previous wars under the USA flag set the foundation for this war
I hope this review and sermon helps someone to better understand truth and lies from fake propaganda.
Great Sermon! Speaking of traitors in the pulpit, the province of Quebec recently passed an unbiblical edict upon the church of Christ, stating that participants must show their proof of vaccine passport in order to attend church services. My pastor and church board (along with the vast majority of other churches) have decided to go along with the governmental decree... Please pray for the very few brothers and sisters who refuse to obey this unbiblical edict.