Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Sam, I was saved in an old IFB Church rooted in ( Dr. J. Frank Norris ). Have always gone to a local N.T. church but what about those many saints who live in New England and the Southwest whose towns have no good church? What can they do? Can you do a follow-up . Thanks Don
Great Sermon! Thank you Brother Adams for sharing your sermons. You will never know how your sermons preaching the unadulterated word of God has blessed us. I pray God will continue to bless you with words that you will share to a lost and dying world. Our churches where I live are either overrun with the world which bring in large crowds or they are dead or preaching messages that are void of salvation. I went to 8 churches and failed to hear a salvation message . Sad God bless you and keep you!
Great Sermon! This pastor has confirmed everything I have seen in the Bible regarding the second coming of Jesus! Post tribulation sermons are very few among the professed church, and since the way is narrow, I am skeptical when it comes to the majority. I look forward to hearing more from this pastor.
Great Sermon! Im an avid listener of CBaldwin, who I know you greatly admire, but was really struggling with The O D teaching.... So grateful I turmed to you, which I very frequently do. Thankyou for your thorough and clear teaching. THANKYOU!!
Great Sermon! Correct. Yahweh is PAGAN, and not biblical.
Sad to see the church fall so hard.
O LORD, Help us remain faithful to thy pure word. The KJV PCE.
'Lets Stop Playing Church' It starts with us who name " the name of Christ". Fornication is not just physical but also spiritual. God only answers the prayer of a "broken and contrite heart".
'Deceived For Many Years' I will have to admit that I have been duped for many years. Even when speaking to the JW cultists I have used Yahweh. However I have always believed that "apostasy" means a "falling away". Thank God I gave my Ruckman Ref. Bible to Pastor Carter.
For Lukewarm Christians Most believers today could not stand the Furnace of Affliction. I hope several preachers will here this sermon and admonish their people to expect suffering and to take up their Cross daily. Br. Don
Great Sermon! Pastor Sam, Thank you for covering all the bases with this message. For many it will be used by the Holy Spirit to reach many church members. Easier to grasp then "Lordship Salvation, Absolutely". Meant to say lost church members! Most sermons in IFB churches have one scripture reading and a story. GB Br. Don
Hard hitting dead on truth! Once again brother Adams boldly brings accurate biblically sound perspective to challenge and awaken sleeping Christians and to remind the ones who are awake of these vital truths. It’s time we stop letting our corporate masters rule our thinking and Pastor Adan’s jump starts the deprogramming with this message. From Lincoln’s tyranny to Exposing the lies and wickedness behind the façade and smiles of the wicked politicians and the Jesuit controlled puppet in the whitehouse, Brother Sam blasts through the deceptions and shines the light of common sense, biblical truth and true patriotism for righteous (not rigged) government. Brother Adam’s masterfully walks us through the forgotten and often devilishly concealed history of the USA as he reminds us that the only way to make America great will be when the King of Kings rules and reigns. Our nation is soon to see very dark days but we have so much to hope for! It’s time for the true church of Jesus Christ to wake out of our slumber, to flee state corporation churches ran by cowards and hierling ceo “pastors” and to come out of Babylon. Awesome message Brother Sam!!!
A Doctrine of Devils Our enemy's hatred for humanity is great. He blinds the minds of folks in any way he can, telling the atheists one thing, another thing to those who are wrapped up in their ethnic heritage, and giving still other lies to the religious. Thanks again, Bro. Sam, for exposing this teaching and refuting it with the truth of the Scriptures.
What!? Someone's Teaching This? Someone's actually teaching that Jesus the Christ is not & did not claim to be the Messiah for the Jews, they can come to God another way? Thank you, Bro. Sam for exposing this heretical teaching. You're right, this is truly anti-Jewish people, although the person teaching this asserts love for Jewish folks. But if they believe what he's saying the wrath of God is abiding on them (Jn 3:36). How sad.