February 2019 Nesting with Jesus! Nesting with Jesus is our daily Bible reading plan...and this is what it looks like for February. If you don't have your own plan, we'd love for you to join us, as we continue looking into the redeeming work and witness of Jesus and His promised return for those who are eagerly and earnestly living in the light of His coming.This month we’ll journey through apocalyptic message found in the Revelation of Jesus Christ and the tremendous confidence it gives to those who are eternally His. Then we’ll close out the month exploring the beauty and rich blessings of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We’ll kick off March with the irreplaceable truths found in the book of Romans.
We really believe it's a great thing for a family to read the Scriptures. This plan is set up for each member of your family to read for themselves, if they can, through a specific book of the Bible with the rest of the family. It provides for great conversations around the table, throughout a day, while preparing supper, riding in a car or at bedtime. It's worked well for our nest through the years...even all our folks at the Chapel do the same.
If you have any questions about how it works...don't hesitate to ask. So join us, and have fun exploring the exquisite and extraordinary treasures of God's Word with us and your family.
Always remember...we can't live out what we don't know or give away what we don't have. May you find much joy and life exploring the wonders of His Word and grace.
Remember this: A growing INTIMACY, in a relationship, is the lifeline of the relationship. If you have been saved by Jesus, you were rescued from yourself and your own sin, and given life in Christ to live in intimate fellowship with your heavenly Father and His people. Your Father has invited you into His presence, and to also join Him in His work upon the earth. The ONLY way to know the specific course He has chosen for you is to SEEK His face, day by day, through prayer, digging in His Word and obeying His voice.
Blessings, and stay hungry my friends (Proverbs 10:3).
Friday 02-01-19 Revelation 1
Saturday 02-02-19 Revelation 2
Sunday 02-03-19 Revelation 3
Monday 02-04-19 Revelation 4
Tuesday 02-05-19 Revelation 5
Wednesday 02-06-19 Revelation 6
Thursday 02-07-19 Revelation 7
Friday 02-08-19 Revelation 8
Saturday 02-09-19 Revelation 9
Sunday 02-10-19 Revelation 10
Monday 02-11-19 Revelation 11
Tuesday 02-12-19 Revelation 12
Wednesday 02-13-19 Revelation 13
Thursday 02-14-19 Revelation 14
Friday 02-15-19 Revelation 15
Saturday 02-16-19 Revelation 16
Sunday 02-17-19 Revelation 17
Monday 02-18-19 Revelation 18
Tuesday 02-19-19 Revelation 19
Wednesday 02-20-19 Revelation 20
Thursday 02-21-19 Revelation 21
Friday 02-22-19 Revelation 22
Saturday 02-23-19 Ephesians 1
Sunday 02-24-19 Ephesians 2
Monday 02-25-19 Ephesians 3
Tuesday 02-26-19 Ephesians 4
Wednesday 02-27-19 Ephesians 5
Thursday 02-28-19 Ephesians 6
Friday 03-01-19 Romans 1
Saturday 03-02-19 Romans 2
Sunday 03-03-19 Romans 3
Monday 03-04-19 Romans 4
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#GodfulfillingHispromise #reachingteachingandequipping #accountability #goodquestionstoask #whilenestingwithjesus #whatamitrustingJesusfortoday #whatpromiseamiclinggingtotoday #whatassignmenthasHegivenmetoday #psalm143and7thru8 #readingthrumyBiblewithpastorNickHolden #holdentoJesustipswithpastornickholden