Heed The Warnings The pastor compared the Enormous Hurricane Katrina with what is coming that is far worse. Warnings were not heeded in 2005 as they are not being heeded now. Time is running out to turn to Jesus Christ.
Superb for this Time Perfect for this time in history. Please listen. Pastor Patterson spoke the truth about what is coming for those who do not accept Christ as Savior. These is no time to delay.
After Centuries This Is Still Going On! LISTEN! This is a superb sermon about the evils of Catholicism. This evil thinking has gone on for many centuries and is still leading people to hell. After hearing this sermon one cannot understand how in this year of 2022 The Daystar Television Network and The Trinity Broadcasting Network have given a Catholic Priest a show on their network going out to Protestants all over the world. This is a great betrayal of all Protestants now and in the past. The Bible is truth! Catholicism is not.
Perfection One of the best sermons ever given about slander and the damage it does. Slander, gossip, lying, and mocking have become normal behavior in the world of today and even among many church people. This pastor says, "compromise never works." He also points out what the Bible says about "every idle word." I hope that everyone who reads this comment will listen to this tremendous sermon.
Very Important A superb explanation of the origins and great evil known as Halloween. It shows the danger of letting "culture" take over instead of following what the Bible says. Culture is not the Christian life. The Bible is to be the guide to the Christian life. Culture is fueled and controlled by the powers of darkness and has always been. The pastor mentions that churches are allowing these dark ideas to become part of their activities and church culture. As true as this was in 2005 when this sermon was given, it is many times more relevant now. Television, movies, sports, and the internet are flooded with the ideas and culture of darkness and are now accepted as normal by many churches. Compromise is always dangerous.
Fire and Brimstone That Must Be Preached This subject has never been more needed in pulpits. Today it is popular to teach "comfort doctrines" which are not true but keep people comfortable. These comfort doctrines keep people in denial about what is coming and they are from the powers of darkness. This great sermon does not hold back but speaks the truth about the wrath of God and what is coming for the unbeliever. Please encourage others to listen to this because it is the truth. Tick tock Tick tock.
Enough is enough This is a great sermon about Freemasonry. This organization is evil. It is blasphemous to Jesus Christ. This is a great sermon about this cult. Masonry has flooded the protestant church of today like never before. Pastors are actually 33 degree masons and do not try to hide it at all. They have taken vile and evil oaths that involve lying and other acts that are satanic. It does not matter how many "charitable acts" this group does, it is an evil and vile organization and must be exposed. Please hear this sermon. Loyalty to Jesus Christ is the only loyalty that matters. Most "loyalty" is not Biblical.
Great Sermon! Thank you for a great enlightenment sermon. My question is: Dr. Mark Allison, have you moved permanently to N Irland?. We need you in the States.
Useful. It was good to meditate to the love of Christ and to our response to His love, in longing after Him and in serving Him, based on this message.
Popery: Religion of Fig Leaves With regards to Genesis 3:1-24, we know that Adam and Eve made aprons of fig leaves after they sinned by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in an attempt to hide their nakedness. The aprons of fig leaves are clearly the first known attempt at salvation through works. Just as Adam and Eve futilely attempted to hid their nakedness through aprons made of fig leaves, so Roman Catholics futilely attempt to hide their nakedness through their partaking of the "seven sacraments." The reality is that Adam and Eve could not hide their nakedness with their aprons made of fig leaves anymore than Catholics hide their nakedness with their participation in the "seven sacraments." This sermon shows that popery is a religion of fig leaves, which means that popery is a religion which causes spiritual nakedness to its own adherents.
Borgia Family: Evil Family As the Ahab family in The Book of 1st Kings and 2nd Kings was an evil idolatrous family with many vices, so was the Borgia family. The Borgia family was a lot like the Ahab family in that both were national leaders involved in idolatry. We know that righteous Elijah would have taken a stand against the evil Borgia family like he did against the evil Ahab family. As the Ahab family proved The Lord to wrath, so did the Borgia family, and so does the idolatrous Vatican of today. The Ahab family were a picture of the coming antichrist as were the Borgia family. We ought to remember the example of 1 Kings 18:1-46 in times like these. Also in 1 Kings 18, we realize that Elijah slew the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves. As Elijah slew the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves, so The Lord slew the Ahab family and the Borgia family. This sermon is a warning that all idolaters, including the Baal worshipers and Catholics, shall have their part in the Lake of Fire which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. This sermon is a call to repent of all manner of idolatry. It also shows why popery is just a revival of the Baal worship of the past.
Catholic Church: Church of Rebels This sermon clearly shows that the Catholic Church is really a church of rebels. We know that Revelation 17:1-18 warns us about the global rebel church and its rebellious abominations. We also realize that Revelation 18:1-24 is a death sentence to the global rebel church. Our Protestant Reformers identified the Catholic Church with the Whore of Babylon because the Catholic Church has numerous rebellious abominations like the Inquisition, Mariolatry, worship of the "saints", and indulgences. This sermon shows that the rebel church known as the Catholic Church is preparing the world for the rebellious Antichrist Beast. As we know, the Antichrist Beast spoken of in Revelation 13:1-18 is a rebel against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. The term antichrist also means rebel, particularly a rebel against The Lord. This sermon is a clear indictment against the rebellious Catholic Church.