Great reminder Thank you for this. I stay in Los Angeles county and can relate to the feeling of feeling so small and trying to serve the Lord when qe see so much rejection. Thank you for preaching this message.
Great Sermon! This is a great presentation of not only the man and his writings, but the doctrine of sanctification whereby believers are made meet to partake of the inheritance of the saints in light for without holiness no one shall see the Lord.
Great Sermon! This is the very BEST sermon that I have EVER heart on secret sins and hidden faults. This preacher REALLY does understand hidden sis, secret sins and presumptive sins. I've been searching a very long time for someone that understand and could really confirm what these sins really are! Thank You, Jesus. Thank You LORD!!! Thank you, pastor. Thank you!!! You have really blessed me. I have listened to this sermons two nights and I am blessed each time. Pastor Chamberlain, thank you. You are a definite blessing. None of us cold ever know all of our sins. But we do grow in the knowledge of many of our sins we heretofore were not aware of as we continually search and study God's word. I am so blessed, Sir. I'm going to share this sermons with others. We all need to know this.
Great Sermon! And I still don’t know how to get forgiveness for any of my forgotten or “secret faults and sins. How can anyone receive forgiveness for unconfessed sins—unconfessed only because they just could not remember each and every sin that they committed??? Secret sins—those hidden faults???
Edifying and Encouraging! What an exciting discovery this Confession was to us, who did not know of its existence before. It is so encouraging to know that there is solid evidence testifying for the faith believed then as we believe it now.