Great Sermon! Very good. Thank you. It is some of the most solemn words from the lips of our Lord Jesus Christ. A very good practice to examine ourselves that we are striving and have not slacked off.
Commendable and valuable presentation This is a useful, honest, and beneficial presentation about the topic. It is instructive and comprehensive either for the young Christian or for the advanced believer, and delivered with a gracious spirit, integrity and godliness. Well appreciated. Thank you
Great Sermon! I've listened to a number of your sermons and have received them with gladness. Today I was pondering this issue and went looking under topic sermons to listen to a few. In looking thru the first 10 pages, I saw your name and downloaded this sermon. It's excellent. Presented with such clarity as your other sermons. I hold your messages in high regard because of the godliness and integrity I sense in you through your messages. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Thank you for sharing this sermon. I was very blessed by hearing it. I read this this morning and was so excited thinking and in wonder and awe of Gods creation. God is so amazing. Thank you for sharing it. I came to sermon audio to get more insight into this Psalm.
Thank you! Thank you very much for putting these sermons online! Job has always been a difficult book for me to understand, and your messages have not only helped me understand Job's circumstances better but also helped me to see many precious lessons and truths in the dialogue. May the Lord give you grace to continue serving Him!
Great Sermon! Loved this message. There are so many aspects of this and the renewal to repentance and preparation for the Lord's Supper was really thinking outside the box. But so true.
Great Sermon! Thank
You For using KJV BIBLE
pastor the only True WORDS
of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST-- As an EX catholic many yrs . ago ;12 yrs. in parochial school
and being taught their many
false doctrines I turned away ;Much thanks to The Holy Spirit
& also to my father who was a
Protestant// Your Sermon brought back to memory
when I was a catholic and greatly deceived . Thank you & God Bless !! charlie
Great Sermon! As I pondered the meaning of your statement of they don't understand the meaning of the motivation of a renewed heart, I thought to myself, "what a profound statement!"