I am always MOVED by these 3 words of Christ Noel is a fellow Australian, his style is clean, clear, gentle and humble. I enjoy his very digestible teaching style.
Great Sermon! I’ve been listening to your sermons for the past few months and have been very blessed.Thank you.I am a member at Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church for the past 47 years and also very blessed there also. Just want let you know I’m praying for your dad’s conversion.
Great Sermon! This is a great sermon. I’ve listened to it 4 times already and I’ve received something new every time. Every Christian should hear this teaching session at least once. Highly recommend this sermon.
Great Sermon! I can only say that his man, Deane Meatheringham, is God's gift to the Body of Christ for interpretating the Word of truth. He makes is plain and simple because the Spirit is at work in and through him.
What insight!
Great Sermon! This is an incredible preacher/teacher of the Word. You'll love his portion.
We are brought into a greater knowledge of the Lord and His written Word.
Great Sermon! So moving and convicting.
I thank our heavenly Father for Dean Meatheringham's beautiful, careful, and tenderly delivered sermon.
After witnessing the care given to a comatose niece for over 34 years, this message was compelling enough to convert me, again.
This is a great evangelistic tool as we are witnessing more and more suffering in this fallen world.
Great Sermon! Becoming a genuine recipient of God's grace. "Nothing in my hands I bring. Simply to thy cross I cling."
He is worthy of worship and praise.
Great Sermon! This God, Daniel's God, the God of every believer in Christ is nothing but kind.
May we all live in accordance with what we've been baptized into - Christ's death.
Great Sermon! Very good teaching.
Very good teaching.
Very good teaching for those who want to judge others while not knowing the condemnation of self righteousness.
We have nothing that we have not received from the Lord.
This pastor knows God and what He requires of us.
Great Sermon! This is an empowering message.
We are free from accusing/excusing others. We are free from the intimidating schemes of the evil one. We are free to live unto Christ alone.
What an awesome truth Deane brings to the believer. Christ has don wonders for his own.
Great Sermon! Great Sermon! Please bless this pastor for his labor of love in bringing simplicity through a sermon we all need to hear. Particularly during the times we're in and trends.
Great Sermon! Other than Yahweh himself, no has said it better than this preacher. A captivating sermon.
Let's hear the preacher! You'll be glad you did.