Increasing Transgression Enjoy this sermon repeatedly.
This is a message that should kill that self-life we so often are blinded to.
Christ sets us free to do what we OUGHT, not what we WANT to do; if we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; and our neighbor as ourselves. Oh wretched man!
Lord help us all speedily.
Great Sermon! Thank you. Beautifully presented by Bro Dunn. What a character Newton was and what an obvious show of God's grace of predestination. This was so good.
Great Sermon! We praise and thank God upon hearing this audio sermon.
We have learned that we can falsify the power of resurrection of Christ if we are just an spectator, absorber or just merely known that His resurrection can justify us.
To fully experience life refreshing from God, one should participate fully in what happen in the tomb. Nothing refreshing can come from God if we cannot fully participate. We should be a participator of what Jesus Christ has done for us.
The power of resurrection is not an impressive power but a power that destroys death and life creating power.
We are in danger of losing the power of resurrection by over emphasizing the legal aspect the matter.
Great Sermon! I praise and thank God for what I have learned from this audio sermon.
The response of the woman should be the proper response of every human being.
Jesus Christ amazingly display of grace showing uncalculating love to this woman.
Simon is a universe away from what happen to this woman and from the grace that
transform her life.
Religion seems can be the stronger deflector of grace.
Deflection of grace means deflection of loving.
The most dangerous deception in the church is that when we gather ourselves with a
stucture and theology or a framework of what we want to hear.
Glory to God!
Great Sermon! Amen and Amen
The world, our own flesh and yes, idols, all keep us from God. Thank you for warning calls and our sin of slothfulness. I am so happy that God is using the foolishness of preaching to reach sinners.
Great Sermon! I praise God for His word that has been exposed through you. I just want to appreciate the truth you had elaborated that being free from the flesh doesn't mean to get out from the body but to change the old with the truth and live in obedience to God's word to live by the spirit.I praise God for this truth.
Your's in Christ,
Great Sermon! Noel,
Thankyou for a wonderful and moving experience of love, after hearing you speak.
Almost tears.
Oh, to be able to love, as Christ loves us.
It is with a heavy heart, I feel, with the knowledge of Geoff's passing, but also with great joy, knowing he will see LOVE, eye to eye.
And his beloved ruthie.
I send my love to you and your family.
I have fond memories of our days in Bible College.
Hope this finds you well.
God bless.