Great Sermon Wonderful explanation of the Millennial Reign of our Lord and Savior.
Thank you Bro. Phillips and your church for your messages that are on SermonAudio.
Great Sermon! Very good sermon. I liked the part about Audie Murphy. His book To Hell And Back was a great read of a great hero. We have so few hero's now-a-days. The bible says the good will be considered evil and evil good, That is exactly where our country is right now.
Great Sermon! You are so right about Audie Murphy being a true hero, beside being the most decorated solder in WWII. John Wayne was never in the armed forces during WWII and people just idolize him and make fun of Audie.
Great Sermon! I second that! A great history lesson! But depressing when on sees how helpless we "little people" are and how those in power just do as they want (not referring to Kennedy per se but to those who assassinated him). I'm writing in 2016, we are having a presidential election (?!?). We have NO CHOICE PERIOD. We are like sheep being led (to the slaughter?}. COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS!!!!!!!!!!
Great Sermon! Don't miss out on the greatest set of end time messages that I have ever heard preached. These messages start at The Kingdom of God series lesson 37 to lesson 66. They are all Great.