Great Sermon! Great message! Came across this teaching just after the recent UN actions against Israel. Wow! Joel 3 is about to go down... May God have mercy!!
thank you thank you so much for addressing my question posted on the sermon Secrets#7 Science & Bible Facts.
I did not mean to challenge your teaching on creation, I was interested in hearing your explanation.
I like your teaching style, which is very personal and interactive in a small class setting. I see consistency in the way you see your life and in what you teach.
May you keep being a blessing to many.
Great Sermon! Wow What a great and scary message from God's Word. Thanks Doc Jim for all of your years of Study to bring these great messages to us today.
Great Sermon! Thank you Dr. Jim for all you give us: doctrine, wisdom, example and humour. I'm listening at every opportunity - can't get enough! I thank the Lord for bringing me to your sermons. God protect you.