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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Stephen Nutter  |  Minneapolis, Minnesota
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"Summary, Part 2"
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota
Third, Paul presents us with the great model and motive for obeying the command: the self-denial of our Lord in vv. 5-8. Jesus’...
Stephen Nutter | What's in a Name
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Sermon1/13/16 5:29 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 2 (final) ”
OBSERVATIONS [30:30]. The hope of the resurrection is animated in the hearts of God's children: 1. By the Holy Spirit as He confirms in them their family relationship (v. 16); 2. As their family relationship guarantees them fabulous family treasures by way of inheritance (v. 17); 3. Enables them to suffer victoriously for Christ in this world (v. 18); 4. Causes them to groan under the effects of the curse while they confidently anticipate the adoption blessings awaiting them in the world to come (vv. 19-23); 5. Enables them to persevere victoriously in this fallen world unto final salvation (vv. 24-25). c. 1 Jn 3:1-3 [49:22]. This text regards the animating power of resurrection hope. OBSERVATIONS: The hope of the resurrection that animates God's children: 1. Is grounded in and is the childlike response to the awe-inspiring greatness of God's adopting love (v. 1); 2. Is utterly incomprehensible to the world (v. 1); 3. Assures us that we will be like the Lord Jesus Christ when we see Him in His resurrection glory (v. 2); 4. Is a heart and life-purifying hope (v. 3). FINAL OBSERVATION [58:02]: Hope enables us to view eternal realities as certain.

Sermon1/13/16 5:28 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 1 ”
We continue to examine II.C. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHILDREN GRACIOUSLY CHOSEN BY GOD’S ADOPTION and continue with 3. TO BE CHARACTERIZED BY HOPE [starting at 4:25 of the audio]. Hope is essential to the Christian life. Without it, we cannot live the Christian life of faith. Its essence is God's promises to us that we have not yet seen. We explore three aspects of this hope through three texts. a. Rom 5:1-5 - The animating power of our hope. OBSERVATIONS [9:25]. We should be a people of hope: 1. Because we have been justified by faith and reconciled to God through the death of Christ (v. 1). 2. Because of our permanent standing in the grace of God (v. 2). 3. Because our permanent standing assures us of our object of hope (v.2).Christ not only purchased our lives, but also heaven for us. 4. Knowing that it crowns the list of essential graces that prove our standing in the grace of God (vv. 3-4). We can exult in both our graces and tribulations. 5. Because God's love poured into our hearts assures us of full and final salvation (v. 5). b. Rom 8:16-25 [27:20]. Many preachers and biblical scholars have praised this chapter as the "Mt. Everest of Scripture" for its soaring encouragement to Christians in tribulation.

Sermon1/13/16 1:51 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 2 (final) ”
3. TO BE CHARACTERIZED BY HOPE [35:06]. The world is characterized by hopelessness. 1 Tim 1:1 - Jesus is our hope. 1 Pet 1:3 - this hope comes from His resurrection; He is the living Son. His life is ours. Heb 6:11-20 - God's covenant with childless Abraham confirmed both his faith and his hope (cf. Heb 11:17-19). 1 Pet 4:12-13 - despite all we see in the world now, Christ's glory will one day be fully revealed.

Sermon1/13/16 1:50 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 1 ”
We continue to examine II.C. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHILDREN GRACIOUSLY CHOSEN BY GOD’S ADOPTION and move on to 2. TO EMULATE JESUS CHRIST, OUR ELDER BROTHER [starting at 5:17 of the audio]. We are sons of God, but imperfect. But Christ is God’s perfect Son and our example (cf. Jn 5:19). Rom 8:29 – This example should beget a familial likeness. Though we don’t see it now, we have the promise of sanctification in this life and glorification in the next. This is the great end of adoption. 1 Pet 5:10 – We will suffer in this life, but a much better life is on the way. a. BY LOVING GOD, KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS, AND LOVING THE BRETHREN (Jn 14:31, 15, 21; 1 Jn 5:1-3) [15:52]. They are inclusive; we cannot do one without doing the other. 1 Jn 3:10 – This distinguishes us from non-believers in a visible way. b. BY OVERCOMING THE WORLD [27:00]. Jn 16:33 - Our only source of peace in this turbulent world is Christ. 1 Jn 5:4 - We should enjoy this peace that we've been given, and we should know that faith overcomes fear (cf. Rom 8:37, Rev 14:12).

Sermon12/7/15 3:03 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 2 (final) ”
b. BY BEING GRACIOUS TO OUR ENEMIES, EVEN AS HE IS GRACIOUS [30:37]. Mt 5:43 – the Jews had falsely deduced “hate your enemies” from “love your neighbors” (Lev 19:18). But God sheds common grace upon everyone. There is no reward in loving those who love us, nor does hating our enemies makes us any different from the wicked. c. BY FORGIVING THOSE WHO WRONG US, EVEN AS HE IS FORGIVING [38:26]. Mk 11:25 – the forgiven are to be forgiving. Think of all the things for which He has forgiven us. Simply: if we’re not forgiving, we’ve not been forgiven. God separates us from our sins and casts them to the easternmost and westernmost. He doesn’t hold grudges. Even when one wrongs us and doesn’t ask forgiveness, we’re to forgive them and act as such toward them. CONCLUDING WORDS [47:00]. What is our disposition toward God each morning? Can people see us and know that we are Christians? As our country falls away from God, are we falling with it or holding stronger to our faith? Do we find inspiration in God’s sanctifying us?

Sermon12/7/15 3:02 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 1 ”
We move on to II.C. WE HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHILDREN GRACIOUSLY CHOSEN BY GOD’S ADOPTION [starting at 3:12 of the audio]. Eph 2:8-10 – grace confers responsibility. We examine four of these responsibilities. 1. TO BLESS, PRAISE, AND GLORIFY OUR GRACIOUS HEAVENLY FATHER, WHO CHOSE US IN AND REDEEMED US BY THE BLOOD OF HIS SON, AND WHO SEALED US BY HIS SPIRIT FOR THE DAY OF REDEMPTION [5:18]. Eph 1:3-8, 12-14 – here we see the work of the Trinity that certifies our eternal lives, and He deserves our blessing and praise in everything we think and do (cf. Eph 4:30). 2. TO EXHIBIT OUR FATHER’S LIKENESS [13:22]. Rom 8:29 – as Christ was the perfect image of His Father, we are to exhibit that image in our own lives. How do we do this? a. BY BEING HOLY, EVEN AS HE IS HOLY. 1 Pet 1:14-16 – Peter reaches back into the Old Testament to reaffirm this command. Calvin commented that obedience doesn’t bring adoption, but instead distinguishes us from the unsaved, including our own unsaved pasts. Cf. 2 Cor 6:14-7:1, 1 Jn 3:1-3. The world does not know Christians because it doesn’t know Christ. If it is too accepting of us, we need to examine our walk (cf. Jn 17:14). But note that separation doesn’t mean self-exile. We are to be lights to the world.

Sermon12/1/15 3:58 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 3 (final) ”
1. WE SHOULD EVER MARVEL AT OUR FATHER’S CONDESCENSION (vv. 4-5) [37:15]. We should be humbled that He thinks of us, even as fallen, sinful creatures (cf. Ps 139:17) and that He continually cares for us, providing for His enemies as though they were His friends. It is astonishing that rebellious sinners are crowned with glory and majesty. 2. WE SHOULD WISELY MANAGE OUR FATHER’S WORLD (vv. 6-8) [40:55]. He has given us authority over everything in His world; He made Adam His Vice-regent. 3. WE SHOULD CONTINUALLY MAGNIFY OUR FATHER’S NAME (vv. 1, 9) [43:51]. And we should do this in our most mundane tasks, wherever we are. B. WE HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHILDREN SUPPORTED BY OUR FATHER’S PROVISION [45:16]. All have this responsibility, but especially Christians. 1. LET US BE GRATEFUL AND CONTENT WITH HIS PROVISION [45:51]. God is the author of everyone’s blessings (Acts 14:17), and even non-Christians know this, but they rebel in ignorance (Rom 1:21). 2. LET US TRUST IN AND RELY UPON HIM TO PROVIDE FOR ALL OF OUR NEEDS [48:58]. Mt 6:25 – in living for greater things, God will take care of the lesser things. Our needs are on God’s mind all the time (cf. Lk 11:13, 12:32). We should not be fearful but hopeful, for hope characterizes us.

Sermon12/1/15 3:57 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 2 ”
B. THAT HE IS ETERNAL AND UNCHANGING [14:56]. What He ordained in eternity is just as eternal. Rom 8:28-30 – the golden chain of salvation. All the agents in our lives in this chain are gifts from God, even our faith (cf. Mal 3:6, 2 Cor 1:20). C. THAT HE IS GENTLE AND MERCIFUL [21:46]. Outside of Christ, He is a consuming fire. Even in our sin He chastens us in love, not in wrath, and that chastening is a means to a blessed end. Ps 103:13-14 – can we say this of ourselves with conviction? D. THAT HE IS KIND AND GENEROUS [25:38]. Does the same God that didn’t withhold His Son also withhold His hand? Mt 6:31-34. THAT HE IS GRACIOUS AND FORGIVING [28:42]. We would still be children of wrath if it weren’t for His grace. If we struggle with His assurance, we shouldn’t. III. WHAT RESPONSIBILITES DO WE HAVE AS GOD’S ADOPTED CHILDREN? [33:38] Sacred privilege confers sober responsibility. What are those responsibilities? A. WE HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES AS CHILDREN CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE [34:34]. Ps 8 – in vv. 4-9, David lays out our obligations to God no matter our standing with Him.

Sermon12/1/15 3:57 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 1 ”
We continue from last week with II. WHAT DOES OUR STATUS AS GOD’S ADOPTED CHILDREN TEACH US ABOUT OUR HEAVENLY FATHER? [starting at 4:16 of the audio]. A. THAT HE IS SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT. Jn 1:13 – we became His children by His choice, which was prompted by nothing in us (cf. 2 Tim 1:9). Rom 9:10-26 – God chose to save some from their sins and to leave the rest in their sins. OBSERVATIONS [10:57]. 1. LET US GLADLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND HUMBLY EMBRACE GOD’S RIGHT TO DO WITH HIS CREATURES AS HE WILLS. He is the potter and we are the clay. 2. LET US REJOICE AND BLESS GOD THAT HE CHOSE TO ADOPT SOME SINNERS AND TO BRING THEM INTO HIS FAMILY. If He had damned everyone, He would have been just and right to do so. “No one deserves hell” is worldly thinking and not biblical thinking. We are debtors to His grace, which is not grace if it is merited. 3. WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN OF THE RICHES OF GOD’S GRACE HAD HE NOT CHOSEN TO ADOPT SOME SINNERS INTO HIS FAMILY. Had He damned all, only His justice would have been glorified. He is free to show mercy to us because He showed no mercy to His Son, our Savior.

Sermon11/23/15 2:06 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 3 (final) ”
3. BY SANCTIFICATION [37:54]. Regeneration is the seed of sanctification: where we grow and conform to the image of Christ. Those who God adopts as His children grow to bear more of Christ’s likeness (Rom 8:29). Rom 8:14 – our adoption frees us from the limitations of fallen Adam into the eternity of the sinless Christ. And like a good Father, God delivers affectionate chastening when we misbehave (cf. Heb 12:5-7). So let us not dismiss these chastenings, and let us not faint under them. 4. IN GLORIFICATION [48:10]. Rom 8:23 – our yearning for the end of our sanctification. Heb 2:10 – even Christ was perfected by suffering in order to perfect our salvation, of which He is the author. From these passages, we learn that God gives us the Savior for our sanctification and glory, that we long for the coming resurrection, that this cost our Savior His life, and that glorification is the goal of our adoption.

Sermon11/23/15 2:05 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 2 ”
C. CHRISTIANS, UNLIKE ALL OTHER MEN, ARE GOD’S CHILDREN BY ADOPTION [19:26]. God has only one spiritual family: a peculiar people. In the Bible, â€adoption’ means the placing of a son, as into a particular family (see the London Baptist Confession, Chapter 12, “Adoption”). How does God adopt His children? 1. BY PREDESTINATION [23:12]. Eph 1:4-6 – what a statement about us despite our later rebellion and disobedience (cf. 2:1-3). 2 Tim 1:9, Rom 9:11-16 – our being Christians was entirely God’s choice, not ours. From these passages we can deduce that our election was God’s choice in eternity past, that we were not chosen by anything inherent in us by anything that differed in us from the unelect, that election is in Christ, and that it glorifies God’s grace. 2. BY FAITH THROUGH REGENERATION [30:35]. It is not just a transfer from one family to another, but a spiritual change in the adopted. This is why Christian adoption is the beginning of a new life (cf. Jn 1:12-13). Together with the new birth discussed in Jn 3, we learn that God is the author of our new life and that He is the giver of our faith in Christ (cf. Phil 1:29, Eph 2:8, Gal 3:26). Rom 8:16 – the Spirit bears witness in us that we are children of God (cf. Gal 4:6).

Sermon11/23/15 2:05 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 1 ”
Not so much today, but children were often given names that told something about them. When God Himself names (or renames) someone, it is very telling indeed, not just about that person, but about God Himself. I. IN WHAT WAYS ARE CHRISTIANS THE CHILDREN OF GOD? [starting at 7:34 of the audio]. A. CHRISTIANS, LIKE ALL MEN, ARE GOD’S CHILDREN BY CREATION (cf. 17:28). Luke traces Christ all the way back to Adam. A child bears the image of his parents, and through that he bears the image of his heavenly Father. Gen 1:26 – man is the crown of God’s creation. Not even the angels bear God’s image. Adam and Eve abandoned their first estate for the lie of deification. Fortunately, the fall did not change their status as God’s children. We were warped, but not destroyed. Only in Christians is God’s image being restored because we are new creations in Christ: the second Adam. B. CHRISTIANS, LIKE ALL MEN, ARE GOD’S CHILDREN BY PROVISION [14:27]. Ps 145:9, Lk 6:35 – God is good and merciful to all, even evil, ungrateful men. He never leaves Himself without witness. But sin hardens us and ingratitude depraves us. Rom 1:19-21 – there is no such thing as a true atheist.

Sermon11/16/15 2:47 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
d. LET US GRACIOUSLY RECEIVE GOD’S COMFORT FROM THE MEANS HE HAS APPOINTED [51:13]. i. From our pastors through their ministry of the word. It is awful to hear God’s word and do little more with it than to sit through it and practically forget it afterward. We are not alone: God is with us (Ps 23:4) and so are the brethren (Rom 1:12, Pr 27:17, Ecc 4:12, 3 Jn 4). ii. Through our fellowship with God’s people, especially on the Lord’s Day. Heb 10:22-25 – the Lord’s day is a means of grace for Christians to comfort one another. God did not intend for us to go to heaven as scattered individuals, but as a flock under a comforting shepherd.

Sermon11/16/15 2:46 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 3 ”
iii. Let us regard ourselves as stewards of those comforts so that we may later minister them to others. Like Ebenezers, we should remember our comforting experiences to remind ourselves and other Christians that God’s comfort is available and effectual. b. BEWARE OF MISAPPLYING GOD’S COMFORTS [36:57]. God doesn’t comfort those who are comfortable in their sins. We must be cautioned about using comfort as a means of enabling. Ps 28:13 – we need to be honest in the face of sin, and we must encourage repentance (see Is 40:1-2). c. LET US SEEK TO GIVE COMFORT APPROPRIATE TO THE NEED OF EACH SITUATION [42:00]. Rom 12:15 – join one in his joy or grief, even if you are not of the same mood. Job 2:11-13 – Job’s friends were most comforting in silent commiseration. Note where their speculations had gotten them by verses 13:4 and 16:2. Truth heals, but only when properly applied. We’re channels of God’s comfort; God is the one sending it.

Sermon11/16/15 2:46 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 2 ”
c. GOD INTENDS THE CHRISTIAN LIFE TO GOD-CENTERED AND OTHERS-SERVING RATHER THAN MAN-CENTERED AND SELF-SERVING [26:02]. As members of one body, Christians are members of one another. Job 30:28 – Job was alone in his suffering. We may seek comfort, but we must be givers of comfort even more. To only seek comfort is actually parasitic. Ps 69:20 – David’s experience pictured Jesus’ experience on the cross. In our own day and place, we feel this sense of abandonment more and more, and it is even creeping into the church. 2. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GIVING AND RECEIVING OF COMFORT [32:11]. a. LET US LEARN TO STORE UP GOD’S COMFORTS SO THAT WE MAY BE READY TO MINISTER COMFORT WHEN AND WHERE THEY ARE NEEDED. i. If we would store up comforts, we first learn to bless God amidst our afflictions. Knowing that God afflicts us to among other reasons comfort us restores our hope. ii. Let us meditate upon those comforts amidst our afflictions. His comforts should be something for which our souls yearn. Ps 27:13-14 – David exhorted himself to wait upon God’s comforts.

Sermon11/16/15 2:45 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 1 ”
Returning to 2 Cor 1:1-11, we conclude this series. 1. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ABOUT AFFLICTIONS IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE [starting at 6:49 of the audio]. a. AFFLICTION IS PART OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Our path to heaven is laden with trials and sufferings. The Word of Faith movement is wrong about Christians being spared these trials: as Jesus learned obedience in His sufferings, we must do the same if we are to bear His image. 1 Thes 3:3 – our sufferings are our God-given destiny. Heb 12:6 – God singles us out for His discipline. Right after Paul survived a stoning, he preached that “through many tribulations we enter the Kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). 2 Tim 3:12 – persecution attends our faith. God sends us afflictions to enrich our lives. A life of ease is usually a life of spiritual stagnancy. b. ONLY CHRISTIANS ARE PROMISED GOD’S COMFORT IN THEIR AFFLICTIONS [14:47]. God extends common grace even to those who hate Him, but he only comforts those who know Him as their comforter (cf. Rom 3:16-17). 2 Cor 12:1-10 – spiritually, weakness is strength. When we disinvest ourselves of the world’s affections, we find God’s grace. Affliction simplifies things and gets us back to the basics. Whatever afflicts us now, God ordained it as a means for His comfort for us.

Sermon11/11/15 5:02 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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A Psalm of Generations
Randy C. Smith
“ Summary, Part 3 (final) ”
PRINCIPLED APPLICATIONS [37:27]: 1. Parents, be reminded of your duties to your children. 2. Non-parents, aid parents in this enterprise. 3. Israel’s rejection and rebellion were too similar to ours to escape notice (Rom 1:16-32). 4. There is hope of repentance and restoration. Ps 78:32-35 – chastisement can bring us remembrance of God’s word; vv. 67-72 – a greater-than-David has already come. 5. There is a remnant whose duty it is to rest in the justice and righteousness of the King. God will avenge His institutions, glory, and name. 6. We are to be the church militant on the earth. It can become very costly, but we are to stand steadfast. 7. There is a stern and fearful warning to the children of godly parents (vv. 34-39): God’s graciousness is why we “coast along”, not necessarily because everything is fine. Each of us comes to the cross alone and often. 8. Do we have the courage of our convictions? Do we apply our biblical teachings? Do we sacrifice our worldly blessings for our faith?

Sermon11/11/15 5:01 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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A Psalm of Generations
Randy C. Smith
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
II. THE PROMISE OF THIS INSTRUCTION (vv. 5-8) [28:16]. If we’re all fallen, what can we hope? God is not just one of grace but one of means; He brings about His will by what is here on earth. We hope for five things: 1. That His word will breed teachers. 2. That the children will set their hope in God. 3. That it will lead them to not forget His works. 4. That they would keep His commandments (cf. Ecc 12:13). 5. That they may escape the pattern of their fallen fathers. (their rebellious ancestors, vv. 9-11). The Ephraimites turned away from trials, even though they were well-equipped. A helpful example: where did King Josiah come from? His mother was named (2 Kgs 22:1). Timothy’s mother and grandmother were tremendous influences on his later faith (2 Timothy 1:5).

Sermon11/11/15 5:01 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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A Psalm of Generations
Randy C. Smith
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
The emphasis of Ps 7:8-11 is the importance of each generation teaching the next about God’s word. What happened to them, and what’s happening to us? I. THE PARENTAL DUTY OF PERPETUAL INSTRUCTION [starting at 12:11 of the audio]. We all have an interest in passing on biblical principles to the next generation, whether or not we’re parents. A. ITS CONTEXT (vv. 1-3) (13:27). Asaph himself is the pattern, and acts as a father to those whom he is writing. He commands their attention. We see this again and again in the Proverbs (Pr 4:10-13, 20-27, cf. Deut 6:4-9). B. ITS CONTENT [20:53]. Note three things: 1. The praises of the Lord. 2. Instruct the children in His strength. They must be convinced of God’s trustworthiness and power. 3. Instruct the children in His wonderful works that He has done. This is especially effective with children. If we don’t teach this, we erase Him from history. C. ITS CULTIVATION (vv. 5-6) [24:36]. Our instruction should leave a pattern and example of the aid of future instructors because we want to be a generation that sets a hope in God in the next one.

Sermon11/2/15 4:58 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Man's Depravity - 2
Randy C. Smith
“ Summary, Part 3 (final) ”
VI. ABIDING SIN DISTRESSING THE SAINTS UNTIL THEIR RECONSTITUTION (Rom 7:13-16) [51:13]. We have a tendency to violate God’s law, even when we don’t want to. Only glorification will free us from this. The law is good, but it doesn’t save us: it reminds us of our fallen state. CLOSING PASSAGES [54:55]: 1. Heb 12-22-23 – the saints who have gone before us have spirits made perfect before the throne of God. They are no long distressed by sin, and they won’t be when their glorified bodies are joined to them. 2. Phil 3:20-21 – it is easier for the Lord to transform our bodies than our natures, but that He will do the former means that He will do the latter.

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