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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
Stephen Nutter  |  Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Providence Reformed Baptist Church
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"So blessed"
Israel Montano from Duluth,MN
This has been such an edifying series pastor. And timely as well! Thank you for your faithfulness. I’d be curious to know your...
Stephen Nutter | Public Worship to be Preferred
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Sermon6/13/16 2:37 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 2 ”
B. WHO THEY ARE. They are “sensible sinners”: they who know their wickedness and desperate need of pardon. They crave purification and lament their sin. They hate their delight in sin and want to be delivered from it forever. “Weary” means “worked to the point of exhaustion (cf. Lk 5:5), and the weary never find relief from the toil of their sin. “Heavy-laden” refers to those burdened with pointless religious duties; they save no one. III. THE NATURE OF THE RESPONSE REQUIRED BY THE INVITATION [28:32]. A. WHAT IT DOES NOT MEAN TO COME TO CHRIST: It does not mean to get yourself ready by working out your own righteousness. He didn’t say “Go”, but “Come”. It does not mean to send for a priest or to put your soul in the care of saints and angels. Such people never find rest. Nor does it mean to go to church, as if coming to Him is to be confused with coming to church. Many go to church without ever going to Christ. It does not mean to observe sacraments. Many have died in their sins trusting them. And it does not mean hearing sermons. Many hear the light of truth without ever accepting it.

Sermon6/13/16 2:37 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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“ Summary, Part 1 ”
J.C Ryle once expounded on Jesus’ gracious invitation to sinners in Mt 11:28. I. THE ONE WHO ISSUES THIS INVITATION [starting at 3:17 of the audio]. The world makes many promises, few of which yield blessings. Sadly, this includes a lot of churches and their leaders today. But Christ is a perfect exception. A. HE IS ABLE TO PROVIDE WHAT HE OFFERS. He has divine authority and power (Mt 11:27, 2 Cor 1:20). B. HE IS WILLING TO PROVIDE WHAT HE OFFERS. Where would we be if Jesus wasn’t the sinners’ friend? He came to seek the lost and sacrifice Himself for them. He is more willing to save us that we are willing to be saved. C. HE IS FAITHFUL TO PROVIDE WHAT HE OFFERS. We can rest our heads on His promises as comfortably as John rested his head on Jesus’ bosom. Yet despite our urgency in the face of earthly danger, we are numb to the danger of eternal damnation. II. THOSE TO WHOM THIS INVITATION IS DIRECTED [11:31]: the weary and heavy-laden. A. WHO THEY ARE NOT. They are not the down-and-out, the sick and afflicted, or the depressed. They may feel awful, but they don’t necessarily feel depraved. Lk 17 – Jesus healed ten lepers, yet only one came back to worship Him. Nor are they the haughty, who ride on the wave of their own self-esteem (cf. Mk 2:17).

Sermon6/6/16 2:08 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Sons and Slaves
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 3 (final) ”
c. With respect to their gospel service to sinners. 1 Cor 9:19-23 – In this example, Paul shows how he picks his gospel battles. d. As those who serve God and obey His commandments. This is the ethical and moral dimension of Christian slavery. Rom 6:16-23 teaches five things: i. That saving grace puts us under God’s dominion. This is true freedom. ii. That righteousness is evangelical obedience to God’s commands. iii. That sanctification is the product of righteousness. iv. That sanctification leads to eternal life. v. That the eternal life of sanctification is God’s free gift. Because we are slaves to God and righteousness, we delight in doing His will (cf. Ps 119:45, 32, 133). CONCLUDING OBSERVATION AND PRACTICAL APPLICATION [54:21]. Supposing that Christian adoption and Christian slavery are opposed is a false dilemma. They are complementary. When one dismisses our slavery, one assumes that God is not our authoritative master, that God is limited in the ways He relates to us, and that the idea of Christian slavery is unpleasant (cf. Jn 14:15). 1 Pet 2:16 – This is not a contradictory statement.

Sermon6/6/16 2:07 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Sons and Slaves
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
B. CHRISTIANS ARE ALSO GOD’S SLAVES [21:44]. Can we be both sons and slaves? 2 Sam 7:28 – David thought it a blessing to be God’s servant. Such service produces joy in us. Ps 119:38 – It excites this kind of spirit. 1 Sam 3:10 – This spirit marked Samuel’s life. LESSON: A true Christian regards himself as the Lord’s slave. All are slaves, but to whom or what? 1. THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT CHRISTIANS IN IMPORTANT RESPECTS ARE NOT SLAVES [30:43]. Christians are liberated slaves: liberated to serve the Lord (Jn 8:36). As slaves, Christians, a. are no longer slaves to sin (Titus 3:3, 2 Pet 2:19), are no longer slaves to other men (1 Cor 7:23 – Christians are purchased with Christ’s blood), c. are no longer slaves to Satan (2 Tim 2:25-26, 1 Jn 3:8), d. no longer serve Him with servile fear (Rom 8:14-16), e. are no longer slaves to ritualistic religion (Gal 4:7-10, 5:1; 1 Cor 7:19). 2. IN WHAT WAYS THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT CHRISTIANS ARE GOD’S SLAVES [39:23]. a. When they are called by effectual grace. 1 Cor 7:22 – We are always someone’s slave. b. With regard to their vocations. Col 3:22-25 – We serve Him in our work as well.

Sermon6/6/16 2:07 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Sons and Slaves
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
We continue the series by considering that I. CHRISTIANS ARE BOTH SONS OF GOD AND SLAVES OF GOD [starting at 3:31 of the audio]. A. CHRISTIANS ARE GOD’S SONS. All men are children of God by creation and provision, but Christians are children of God by adoption: by special grace. ‘Children’ and ‘sons’ connote two different things (Christian women are ‘sons’ as well). The practice of primogeniture, inheritance by the eldest son, exists as a principle in Scripture and in life. But God bestows all the blessing of the firstborn onto all Christians (Rom 8:14-17). In that passage, we see four things: 1. All led by the Holy Spirit are sons of God (v. 14). 2. God frees us from slavery to sin (v. 15). 3. His spirit of adoption testifies that we are His sons (v. 16). 4. We are granted the inheritance of our heavenly Father (v. 17). Rom 9:26 – The wonders of God’s saving of the Gentiles. Our salvation isn’t due to anything wonderful about us, but only to God’s saving grace (cf. Jn 1:12-13, Gal 3:26). Mt 5:9 – The Son of God was the great peacemaker. Rom 8:17-19 – Paul promised that the Christian life is one of suffering, but that it is more than worth it.

Sermon5/31/16 4:28 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Few Saved! by J.C. Ryle
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 3 (final) ”
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS [45:12]. 1. Shall you be one of the few? Salvation is the one thing needful. If you’re not saved, you’re better off never having been born. 2. If you are not one of the few already, strive to be one without delay. 3. If you are doubtful whether you are one of the few, make sure work at once, and be doubtful no more. 4. If you are one of the saved, be thankful. 5. If you are one, do not wonder that you often find yourself standing alone. This is practical proof of God’s sayings, not reason for doubt (Rev 7:9). 6. If you are one, do not be afraid of having too much godliness. 7. If you are one, use every opportunity of trying to do good to souls. Most around you are at risk of being lost forever. Live as though time is short and eternity is imminent. Live as though the mouth of hell is open wide and as though the gate of heaven is narrow.

Sermon5/31/16 4:27 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Few Saved! by J.C. Ryle
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
IV. PLAIN FACTS ABOUT THEIR NUMBER [22:11]. Set aside those people who are living in any kind of open sin (Gal 5:21), Sabbath-breakers, carnal Christians, formalists and the self-righteous, those who know the gospel but don’t obey it (Jas 2:17, 4:17; Lk 9:26), and hypocritical professors (Ez 33:31, 2 Tim 3:5). ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE DOCTRINE [34:45]. 1. Deathbed repentance. How likely is one who does not live a religious life to die a religious death? 2. GOD’S MERCY. This presumes upon the love of sinners that the gospel reveals. But men’s own testimony tells a different story (cf. Jn 5:4). 3. DENIAL OF EVIL IN THE WORLD. This is a faith in human progress. 4. THE GOSPEL IS TOO NARROW-MINDED AND EXCLUSIVE. Both the Bible and facts combine to prove that such people are few. 5. THE DOCTRINE IS TOO GLOOMY AND UNCHARITABLE. This puts human affection above the truth of the Bible. 6. THE DOCTRINE IS PRESUMPTUOUS. But has the Bible not spoken plainly about it? Who is really being presumptuous? 7. THE DOCTRINE IS EXTRAVAGANT AND UNWARRANTABLE, as though it is fanatical or irrational. But what justifies the doubter’s claim and disproves the word of God?

Sermon5/31/16 4:27 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Few Saved! by J.C. Ryle
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
The grand object of religion is salvation. I. WHAT IT IS TO BE SAVED [starting at 6:41 of the audio]. 1. It is to be delivered in this present life from the guilt of sin, by faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior. 2. It is to be delivered in this present life from the power of sin, by being born again, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. 3. It is to be freed from the hateful dominion of sin, the world, and the devil, by having a new nature put in us by the Holy Spirit. 4. It is to be delivered in the day of judgment, from all the awful consequences of sin. II. COMMON MISTAKES ABOUT THE NUMBER OF THE SAVED [9:03]. They flatter themselves there is no great difficulty in getting to heaven, not for others who have died, no matter what they thought of them, and especially not for themselves. When ministers preach a strict gospel, they tend to think them too harsh. III. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THEIR NUMBER [19:54]. No matter the time, the Bible is clear that few will be saved.

Sermon5/23/16 2:14 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Few Saved? You Strive!
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
ABIDING MESSAGE [48:50]. 1. Speculative interest in theological questions saves none, but deceives many. The goal is all-important, not the search. 2. Salvation is not a casual matter, but demands earnest, continual effort. Divine grace powerfully works in those who are saved. There is no “let go and let God” in this text: it is a striving. As Peter warned in his first epistle, the devil fights against you. We don’t enter the narrow gate with our sins (cf. 1 Tim 6:12, Ph 2:12-13). 3. You must enter the door of salvation now, because soon it will be shut forever. Only a fool procrastinates about life and death (Heb 10:26-27, 31).

Sermon5/23/16 2:14 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Few Saved? You Strive!
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
2. BECAUSE MANY WRONGLY THINK THAT A CASUAL ACQUAINTANCE WITH JESUS IS SUFFICIENT FOR SALVATION (v. 26). Such are fans of Jesus, but not disciples. Familiarity with Christ is not salvation in Christ. Our brethren in persecuted countries do not have such a flippant relationship with Him. Beware, because many will be in this group. 3. BECAUSE ALL WHO REFUSE TO SEEK SALVATION NOW WILL NOT BE SAVED AT CHRIST’S RETURN (vv. 27-30). a. They will be exposed as self-deceived, evil hypocrites (v. 27). b. They will experience unspeakable torment as they realize their folly when they see others saved and themselves lost (vv. 28-29). Their agony is due to three things: they will see who they thought were their spiritual fathers at the banquet without them, they will see others there who they never believed were saved, and that they were thrown out. c. They will face the torment of eternal humiliation for refusing to be saved. The Gentiles will enter and many Jews will not. Whether Jew or Christian, those who are first in religious privileges are often last in reward.

Sermon5/23/16 2:13 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Few Saved? You Strive!
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
B. IT IS SPIRITUALLY DIFFICULT (v. 24). 1. BECAUSE ENTERING BY THE NARROW DOOR INVOLVES EXERTION AND CONFLICT. The Greek word for ‘strive’ means to agonize, to exert with great effort (cf. 1 Cor 9:25). This striving also involves conflict. We love our sin, and so we don’t want to turn away from it. Our fear of man compels this conflict as well. And there is the opposition of the devil, who always tries to bar the door to salvation. But conflict is necessary because the door is narrow. We meet many trials along the way (cf. Acts 14:22). Lk 16:16 – the Christian spares no agony to get into heaven. 2. BECAUSE IT REQUIRES CONTINUAL EFFORT. It is an ongoing exertion (cf. 1 Tim 6:12, 2 Tim 4:7). 3. BECAUSE ENTERING BY THE NARROW DOOR DEMANDS IMMEDIATE COMPLIANCE. Now is the day of salvation. C. IT IS EMPHATICALLY IMPORTANT (vv. 24-30) [32:17]. It is important for three reasons: 1. BECAUSE MANY WILL NOT SEEK SALVATION UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE (vv. 24-25). Notice the few saved in the man’s question, and the many lost in Jesus’ answer.

Sermon5/23/16 2:13 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Few Saved? You Strive!
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
Curiosity is a two-sided coin: it can lead to learning or to empty speculation. In Lk 13:17-30, a man asked Jesus about the number of people who would be saved. I. THE MAN’S CURIOUS QUESTION [starting at 4:55 of the audio]. A. THE OCCASION OF THE QUESTION. Though many heard Jesus’ message of salvation, few seemed to embrace it. B. THE REASON FOR THE QUESTION. It isn’t clear why he asked the question. It may have been prompted by the cost of discipleship, or by the mystery of the parables, or perhaps by theological curiosity. C. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE QUESTION. We don’t know what the man understood about salvation, but he did know that those who were saved followed Jesus Christ. APPLICATION: Heaven and hell hang in the balance with regard to salvation. Jesus did preach doctrine, but He came first to seek the lost. Salvation delivers us from at least four things: the damning penalty of our sins, from the reigning power of sin, from the pleasure of sin, and from the presence of sin. II. JESUS’ ARRESTING ANSWER (vv. 23b-30) [17:58]. A. IT IS UNIVERSALLY RELEVANT (v. 23b). It applies to everyone.

Sermon5/16/16 6:11 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Saints - 7
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 3 (final) ”
b. EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD’S SAVING WORK IN DELIVERING HIS PEOPLE AND DESTROYING THEIR ENEMIES. Ex 15:11 – He always enables us to say no to sin and yes to holiness. c. EXALT THEM BY GLORIFYING HIM WHO BRINGS SALVATION TO THE NATIONS. Rev 15:4 – God brings judgment to the nations throughout history, but continues to save a remnant. 4. EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD DISPLAYED IN THE PERFECTION OF HIS CHURCH [42:02]. Eph 5:25-27 – He redeems the church from her sins and makes her holy. This is our hope for the church. 5. LET US EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD AS IT IS DEMONSTRATED IN HIS HOLY WORD [45:54]. a. IN ITS PERFECT PERFORMANCE. Ps. 105:42, Titus 1:2 – His promises are sure. Ps 12:6, 119:140 – Wicked people hate His word because it is pure. b. BY CONTENDING EARNESTLY FOR ITS PURITY AGAINST CORRUPTING INFLUENCES IN THE CHURCH. 2 Cor 2:14-17 – We don’t peddle God’s word. We present it as is, and we to leave it to Him in the face of the swine who would trample it. 2 Cor 4:1-5 – If we are to be holy, we must avoid those who pervert the Bible for their own gain. They teach error and avoid truth. Their identity is blasphemous to God and to the faith.

Sermon5/16/16 6:10 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Saints - 7
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
2. EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD’S NAME [24:26]. His name stands for who He is. a. LET US PRAY THAT GOD’S HOLY NAME WILL BE EXALTED. In this day and age, don’t take the constant use of “OMG” lightly. It is sinners neutralizing His name. b. EXALTING THE HOLINESS OF GOD’S NAME WILL EXCITE OUR PRAISE. Ps 99:3 – We would do well to contemplate His largeness. c. EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD’S NAME, WHICH COMMANDS OUR THANKS FOR HIS SAVING GRACE. d. EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD BY NOT PROFANING HIS HOLY NAME. Lev 22:32 – Don’t make His name common. Remember that our tongues tell on our hearts. e. EXALTING THE HOLINESS OF GOD’S NAME ENCOURAGES THE CONFIDENT APPROACH OF HIS PENITENT PEOPLE INTO HIS PRESENCE TO EXPERIENCE HIS CONDESCENDING, REVIVING GRACE. Is 57:15 – He gives grace to the humble. f. IT INCITES THE PRAISE AND GLADDENS THE HEART OF HIS SEEKING PEOPLE (1 Chr 16:10). 3. EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD’S WORKS AND WAYS [35:36]. a. EXALT THEM WITH ROBUST WORSHIP, BECAUSE HE IS THE REDEEMER OF HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE. Rev 15:3-4 – They praised Him while He poured out judgment on the wicked. But do we see ourselves as brands brought out of the burning?

Sermon5/16/16 6:09 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Saints - 7
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
We continue with IV. CLOSING EXHORTATION TO SAINTS: IF YOU WOULD PROVE YOUR ARE HOLY, REGARD AS HOLY WHAT GOD REGARDS AS HOLY, and move on to B. IF YOU WOULD PROVE THAT YOU ARE A SAINT, YOU MUST REGARD GOD AS HOLY. Holiness means separation and consecration. 1. LET US EXALT THE HOLINESS OF GOD’S PERSON [starting at 4:46 of the audio]. Holiness is essential to God’s person. Without it, there is no God. Is 6:1-4 – This passage is almost unfathomable despite its description. Note Isaiah’s response in v. 5: it convicted him of his unholiness. But in verses 6-7, God extends mercy and forgiveness to Isaiah’s confession, and Isaiah responds to that with service. a. EXALT GOD’S HOLINESS AS REVEALED IN HIS ETERNAL SELF-EXISTENCE. Rev 4:8 – He is the Alpha and Omega. Nothing created Him; He created everything. b. EXALT GOD’S HOLINESS BECAUSE IT IS INCOMPARABLE. Ex 15:11, 1 Sam 2:2 – There are no other gods; they are just figments of men’s minds. c. EXALT GOD’S HOLINESS BECAUSE HE HATES SIN. He will even use the wicked to judge His own people. Ps 5:5 – He hates the sinner who sins.

Sermon5/16/16 6:05 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Saints - 8
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
b. WE MUST NOT ALLOW THE WORLD’S PROFANE INFLUENCE TO POLLUTE GOD’S PURE WORSHIP [37:34]. Ez 44:6-9 – Even then, we see a picture of the necessity of a pure church. Tragically, they allowed their numbers to swell with unbelievers and their unholy influence, which is a natural encouragement of creative worship. CONCLUDING APPLICATIONS [51:15]. 1. Holy Christians will be jealous to preserve and promote the holiness of God. God is jealous about His holiness, but are we? Lukewarm worship makes Christ sick (cf. Ps 30:4). 2. Christians who strive to be holy should seek out and attach themselves to a church that takes God’s holiness seriously. god sanctifies Christians not just as individuals, but as members of churches filled with Christians (cf. Ps 101:6, 1:1-3). 3. If seekers seek something we don’t have to offer, we are not at liberty to give it. We honor God, not men.

Sermon5/16/16 6:04 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Saints - 8
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 3 ”
Lev 10:1-3 – God’s punishment underscores the purity of His worship. He regards creative worship as rank rebellion. We see this in both testaments. The regulative principle of worship stands against the very common normative principle of worship (originally espoused by Lutherans, Anglicans). We reject the normative principle on biblical grounds. London Baptist Confession 22.1 – God reserves the sole right to regulate His worship. Only a spirit of idolatry would reject this. Jer 10:7, Mk 12:33 – We show our conviction and love for Him by honoring this. Deut 12:28-32 – God uttered this universal principle right on the heels of stating specific commands regarding acceptable worship. This applies to the church, not just to Israel. In Jn 4, Christ told the Samaritan woman that worship was to be conducted according to the word of God. Any addition to the proper elements of worship, things which are according to the invention of man and not according to the explicit prescription of God in His word, fall under Paul’s prohibition as ‘will worship’ or ‘self-made religion’ (Col 2:23).

Sermon5/16/16 6:04 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Saints - 8
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 2 ”
Is 58:13-14 – Notice the blessing God offers to those who honor the Sabbath. Just delighting in the day is itself a blessing. Writing not only for the Jews of his day, but also looking forward to the arrival of the new covenant, Isaiah teaches how we should regard God’s holy day. Do we spend the day in our own pleasures and thoughts, or do we properly give the entire day to God? 7. SHOW A JEALOUS REGARD FOR THE PURITY OF GOD’S HOLY WORSHIP [13:26]. A holy God deserves holy worship. He takes His worship very seriously. a. WE MUST NOT ALLOW INTO GOD’S WORSHIP ANYTHING THAT HE HAS NOT COMMANDED [15:15]. This is absolutely essential to acceptable worship. The Lord rejects all creative worship. So crucial is the principle of acceptable worship to God that he included it as one of the Ten Commandments. Ex 20:4-6 – This expressly prohibits the aid of images in worship. Images draw attention away from our invisible God, who is worshiped by faith and not by sight. Num 15:39 – This goes to the very heart of idolatry: creative worship.

Sermon5/16/16 6:03 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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Christians as Saints - 8
Stephen Nutter
“ Summary, Part 1 ”
We conclude this study by continuing with IV. CLOSING EXHORTATION TO SAINTS: IF YOU WOULD PROVE YOUR ARE HOLY, REGARD AS HOLY WHAT GOD REGARDS AS HOLY at B. IF YOU WOULD PROVE THAT YOU ARE A SAINT, YOU MUST REGARD GOD AS HOLY, and move on to 6. EXALT GOD’S HOLINESS BY KEEPING HIS HOLY DAY HOLY [starting at 0:19 of the audio]. Gen 2:1-3 – the Hebrew word for rested is the root word for Sabbath. Literally, God “sabbathed” the seventh day. Ex 20:8-11 – Remember that this day was sanctified before the fall. It was made for man in all conditions and all times. Jesus Christ forever remains the Lord of the Sabbath. Further, it is God’s day (the Lord’s Day), not ours. It is the spirit of rebellion, not reverence and submission, to attempt to abolish the Lord’s Day Sabbath. Ez 22:26 – Infidels (Napoleon, Stalin, antinomians) have always attempted to destroy the Sabbath. False teaching ignores the eternal standing of the Fourth Commandment. God set it apart not only for His glory, but also for our blessing.

Sermon5/2/16 3:25 AM
Ian Migala from Minneapolis, Minnesota  Find all comments by Ian Migala
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The Fourth Commandment - 2
Curt Wright
“ Summary, Part 4 (final) ”
VII. HOW DO WE LEAD OUR YOUNG CHILDREN IN KEEPING THE LORD’S DAY? [42:07] At their age, they are to be shown that Sunday is a special day. It should be enjoyable. Fun activities include catechism reading and Scripture memorization. VIII. WHAT IF WE’RE ON VACATION? [43:55] Nothing changes. Bring the Sabbath with you. IX. WHAT IF WE HAVE NON-CHRISTIAN COMPANY, OR NON-SABBATARIAN COMPANY? [44:45]. Again, nothing changes (cf. Lk 12:4-5, Mt 10:33). X. WHY IS THE CHARGE OF KEEPING THE SABBATH MORE SPECIFICALLY DIRECTED TO SUPERIORS AND HEADS OF HOUSEHOLDS? [47:17] Consider WLC, Question 118. Employers and managers must not cause their employees to sin (Neh 13:15-22). XI. A WORD OF CAUTION [52:02]. Beware of dos and don’ts. There is Christian liberty on the Lord’s Day, and we each have unique struggles. We must not cause others to stumble. Our reverence for the Lord’s Day is a reflection of our spiritual growth. Even Voltaire, a non-Christian, saw the Sabbath in the essence of our faith: “If you want to kill Christianity, you must abolish Sunday” (Ps 84:10, Neh 13:17-18).

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