Preaching the Truth is Critical to Christianity This sermon is about obeying the commandments of God. The authority of Scripture and the importance of believing in Christ as the Lord and Savior of the world are emphasized. The “Prince of Preachers” stresses the importance of correct doctrine based on the Word of God and points out that even the slightest deviation from God’s commandments, as they’re revealed in Holy Scripture, can have dire consequences (e.g. Uzzah and the Ark of God). He also criticized false, pernicious doctrines such as infant baptism and the Catholic practice of last rites, from which infant baptism, allegedly, originated from. Lastly, Spurgeon included an anecdote about a guy named Brown at the end of the sermon which illustrates our right to believe in Jesus Christ. All of Spurgeon’s sermons are gems.
Food for thought ! "Better to thirst now than to thirst forever.Better to hunger now than to hunger where bread will be denied"
"Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God"
Great Sermon! Greatly convicted as I was made to recognize a pattern of instability in my life. Lord help me stay to the course You have laid out before me. Let us do more than listen, but be changed by this message!
Wonderful Friend I was not there to bid farewell to the Prince of Preacher when this message was preached on the 8th of March 1857 but I know the Jesus Christ and the Lover of my Soul He talked about, and surely I will meet Spurgeon again because Lord Jesus died for me.
Potent Sermon!!! Where is this kind of preaching today? In Colorado it is scarce, if at all. Scarce or not, this truth of the potency of His blood stands true for the Word of God abides forever.
Great Sermon! If you find yourself questioning and fearing if you're really saved, this is the sermon for you. It is one of the most poignant sermons I've ever heard in my life. It made me realize that I was focusing more on myself than on Christ, and as soon as we do that, we start to "sink". Do yourself a favor and give this a listen!!!
Another Quality Semon from the Prince of Preachers I listened to this sermon and it instantly uplifted my soul. The main idea of the sermon is that God has His reasons for taking believers through different trials. Spurgeon explains some of those reasons why believers have to suffer. For instance, sometimes believers have to suffer in order to have the pride removed from their hearts. I never thought of suffering that way, but I'm thankful that Spurgeon brought that particular piece of truth to my attention.
Lastly, I've never been disappointed reading or listening to a sermon by Charles Spurgeon. Some are better than others, but they're all gems - sparkling like diamonds of truth in all their brilliance.
Practical Advice! Good practical advice by a good practical preacher. Prayer is absolutely essential to our life and struggle. All to often we take prayer for granted and forget to be objective and positive in the power of prayer which the Lord has given us to do.
Excellent Spurgeon again!
Wonderful Sermon This was such a powerful and wonderful sermon on how we are justified through nothing else than Jesus Christ, and that one must not trust in their works for them to save themselves only by Christ and Christ alone.
Thanks and God Bless!
Great Sermon! Indeed this is the most essential truth for Christians... He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor 5:21). May all who say they are Christians truly hold this truth in their hearts...This is the basis of a believer's salvation. Thanks be to God for this C.H.Spurgeon sermon! God bless us all!