Excellent Readiing of a Passionate Sermon Like sitting in the pew in 1865, it was, as I listened attently to Surgeon's pleading and comppeling words. I thought at first, myself having already been saved, that I'd be reminded to pray and exert others to their salvation and the good news of the gospel, but bye the closing, I found it was my heart that was most in need of correction. Truly, His word do never come back void, be it 1865 or July 8, 2013.
Great Sermon! There are so many worthy comments already about this fantastic sermon. All I can add is amen and if you haven't already heard this sermon, have a listen as to why do many have been moved to say such great things about it!!!!
Praise God! Praise God! I am having difficulty putting into words my appreciation to God for the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ given for my salvation and my yearning that God would sovereignly bring the whole family of God to hear the staggering humblying immeasurably important Truth that IMHO the Holy Spirit brings through C.H. Spurgeon in this sermon.
Great Sermon! What an amazing sermon. Went through it with my Sunday school class. Spurgeon has a great way of putting things so they are easy to understand.
Thank You Jesus for the BLOOD Thank you so much Jesus for the Blood that washes and cleanses ALL my sins. THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU.
If you have any doubts about your salvation Please listen to this message and Believe in the Blood. I hope that everyone who hears it is as truly Blessed as I was in hearing it. Thank You Jesus for the Blood!
Great Sermon! I he loved it. Seeing one as one is is a great weapon against the accuser, for a man who knows his weakness can fight back appropriately and can humbly approach the throne of mercy with the knowledge of God's full acceptance and love
Wonderful Sermon! Over the years I have listened to hundreds of sermons, but I have never heard such preaching as in this sermon. As well the reading of it excellent and moving. A piercing message well done.