I just love this message! If I had some merit, it wouldn't be so great a thing that God would bless me... oh but the thought that God would have mercy on me, love me, die for me and save me when I have NO merit at all! when there is no good thing in my flesh! when I am as black as the tents of Kedar! That is God's Precious Grace!
Praise God! Love this message!
Good on Election and the false 'Lordship salvation I did enjoy this sermon. He often teaches doctrinal truths. This sermon refutes Popish Romanism and "Lordship salvation" as so often taught these days by those claiming to be Baptists or others. My salvation was free and clear to me. I offered nothing in return. I did not merit it. I did not trade servanthood to God for my salvation, otherwise it would be wages. I gave God NOTHING at salvation. He gave me ALL FOR FREE. With spiritual growth, I wanted God's will for my life, but only after salvation. I am very uncomfortable with terms like, "gave my life to God," or, "accepted Christ as Lord." Sure, these may not mean doctrinal error, but sometimes they do. Where will you find the Bible teaching that we give God anything at salvation, or that we accept Christ as Lord, at Salvation? We just trust Him as Saviour. All the rest comes post-salvation. Brother Spurgeon was incorrect on perseverance, though. A person can be saved, yet turn from God, in sin. Example: Solomon. He turned to demons/false gods, yet we know he was saved. Jonah rebelled very much against God, yet we know he was saved.
Love it I love that Spurgeon always preached as if the worst person in all the world could have complete forgiveness in Christ. He was revolutionary and this kind of preaching on God's free love is full of meditation.
Amazing Preaching What an absolutely amazing sermon! Even just being read it's still one of the better sermons I've ever listened to, and I've heard a couple of thousand now.
Praise God for this! Ooooh I praise God for this! Wow! If you want the unbiased truth of God's precious word, so listen and incline your heart to wisdom!
Great Sermon! Great sermon, all the world needs to hear this, as the heart of man in 2015 is growing more and more proud and evil every day, but praise be to GOD the father, that through CHRIST JESUS, there is still hope for the future!!!!
Of inestimable help! This preaching was an inestimable help to me during my trials with cancer. God's word is sufficient! I learned all the more to turn to God's word above and before any writing of man. This sermon also helped to further my departure from the charismatic church. Years ago, when I was in really hard trials I used to turn to the Bible plus certain charismatic books, and even "The Imitation of Christ", where the authors claim revelation from God. I also used to turn to really emotional, repetitive music, like Hillson. This sermon, and the trials I have gone through, have really broken me into believing and knowing that God's word alone is the counsel to turn to. How incredible it is that the Scriptures come through ever time for every problem.
Great Sermon! I was very blessed by listening to this wonderful message by C.H. Spurgeon. Hope many others will listen to this message as well, I'm sure you will be blessed by this message. Thank you so much for posting this sermon.
Need True Believer Prayers Now!!! I am asking for all people with the truth for prayers and to pass on to other believers for their prayers as well! My daughter just had her first baby, my first grandchild, a boy. He was born with a heart defect, a hole in his heart and his arteries are in the wrong place and one of them is not big enough to do what it is supposed to do. He just had heart surgery on the 5th of January, and was born on Dec. 29th. He is not doing so well as of yesterday the 7th, they have him on life support and just about everything else it seems. Basically this is the end of what they can do. They are going to try and take him off life support this Friday, with the hope that his organs will work on their own and not tire the poor fellow out. He is very dear to me already and will be raised as another one of God's soldiers, if God doesn't take him first. All that I am asking for are your prayers to give Caden strength and also to give us strength to deal with whatever God has planned for Baby Caden West. Thank You so Much
Staggeringly Powerful As sharp and shocking a sermon as any I've read by Spurgeon. Incredibly simple, totally fixed to the text in Jonah and perfect for preaching to sleepy saints and sinners. His arguments are amongst his strongest.
I'm not convinced though that Christians should be seeking to tell the gospel at every opportunity, come what may, so that we won't be guilty of the blood of others. In the New Testament, the emphasis seems to be a lot, dare I say it, more relaxed, or winsome. In the New Testament, there seems to be a lot more emphasis for Christians to shine their loving lives before others (Matthew 5:16), living godly lives (1 Peter 2:16) and, when opportunity comes, when we are asked about it, giving a reason for the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15). I'm concerned that someone who takes to heart everything Spurgeon has said will be moved to be very foolish and put people off Christ. It's good to be zealous, and to preach zealously in a pulpit. But I don't think your everyday Christian attitude should be, 'I'd better tell so and so about the gospel and do so quick, or else I'll be guilty of their soul'. I think if we think like that we'll cause more harm than good. What do you think?
Great Message! Maybe I recognize pride in others because as the saying goes, "like knows like." Ouch! Pride comes in many shades and layers. P.S. - I like this reading of the message better than the other one.
Very Helpful Message This message has the best exhortation on enduring the chastisement of God that I have ever heard. Listen and see what you think.