Great Sermon! I don't normally listen to Dr. Paisley as he's a bit loud for my tastes. Silly me. But please, please don't miss this magnificent message. Allow it to carry you along as I did back to eternity past, and then forward through earth's history to present time. You will be blessed and your soul will be lifted up and deeply stirred with love for our Redeemer.
I could listen to this everyday You will not find a better sermon anywhere. I kept trying to find it on the computer but could not. Finally I found that BJU had the audio, and I have had them make numerous cds to send to family and friends. I am so glad that it is available for anyone to listen. Thank you BJU and SermonAudio for giving us all this opportunity.
Great Sermon! Never been a big paisley fan so when I say this is awesome preaching - that's a huge thing for me to say- breath taking preaching of the gospel through the history of William Tyndall.
A powerful message that never grows old. This is one of the first messages I heard Dr. Paisley preach, and it has never grown old. I go back to it time and time again. Paisley takes us from eternity past, to creation, to Bethlehem, to Galilee, to Calvary, and on to Heaven. He shows us "Him Whom My Soul Loveth."
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon, and I got to it 46 years late! I was feeling the impact of this powerful preacher less than 30 seconds in! Generation of Vipers... Wow! Keep that Sword of the Spirit sharp!
Worth listening This sermon stands as a contrast against the relapsed attitudes, practice, strategies, and approaches of the today's contemporary church and leaders.
Great Sermon! Quite possibly the greatest preacher of my time. Makes me want to jump and Shout!
I didn't hear anything I didn't agree with 110%...
Remember when he rebuked the Pope publically a few years ago? Thank God for an example like this.
Great Sermon! This is the first message I ever heard from Dr Ian Paisley. It is an awesome and life-changing message. Ever since I have been hooked on his sermons. I love them and have downloaded around 40 of them and have nearly listened to all of them twice!!
Great Savior. Blessed Savior, wonderful in His incarnation, in His miracles, in His words, in His sufferings, in His resurrection, in His forgiveness and in His coming again.
Blessed message. I thank the Lord for this message. It really touched my heart. The story at the end of the sermon is tragic and moving. I thank God for saving me.
Great Sermon! Beautiful singing... I love finding sermons on here that include the worship songs, as this one does. I wish I could hear such wonderful worship all the day every day! I praise God for this beautiful reminder of the fellowship of the saints & family of God