Great Sermon! Steve, I have not yet listened to this particular sermon. But I find this preacher spirit filled and motivating. He is not ashamed of the Gospel. He is certainly discerning.
I wonder if Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Nehemiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. preached this fervently. I think so.
Pray for his ministry and physical healing.
A masterpiece of a sermon A masterpiece of a sermon by the Prince of Preachers in these recent times!! A must hear sermon from a dear Godly Saint who has a burden for the lost. Listen, listen, listen dear people to such a God honouring, Christ glorifying word, preached with passion, biblical accuracy and a fervency. It surprises me that no one has commented on this sermon before but I trust and hope and pray some may listen and benefit from such a masterful message of hope and warning!!
Pity about the background music I'm afraid I gave up after a couple of minutes watching. The awful, unnecessary, background music used in Christian videos these days turns me away. A sign of the times no doubt. There is absolutely no need for it. It is there to create a specific atmosphere or to induce a certain reaction. Very worldly.
Christians should be trusted to listen to audios or videos without this racket. There is something far wrong with the Christian church using it. We come out of the world to get away from such noise. Please remove the drama and let us concentrate on the words. Please!
Great Sermon! Absolutely excellent video. Wesley tells the truth. will be sharing this video. Thank you very much. I already knew and believed this, what GOD will do regarding Sin. I fear the Lord He is so powerful.
Great Sermon! Indeed, this is the North American church today. It begins in the pulpit when the preacher declares everyone saved simply because they've been in church all their lives or they said a prayer. All their sins are called weaknesses and that grace covers all that and they are to just carry on. In fact they sanction their sin and join in and think this is being loving and accepting towards each other. This is simply ear tickling. You see very little evidence there is real love to God or anyone else.
. i would like to ask, does this video violate a copyright?, i know that there is a website, where you can see this movie, but i am not sure, if i can download it here, i appreciate your answers, may God bless you all
Moving. True. Wonderful Just watched this with my unconverted teenaged daughter and she really listened and was extremely quiet and pensive after. Its a great video production about true Christianity. A must watch for believers and unbelievers alike. I fully recommend this. Thank you for making this excellent video message. May God use this to save many many sinners to Himself
Great Sermon! This is an excellent message, and very much needed for this present day. Spurgeon's words are just as relevant today as they were when he originally spoke them. Praise God for such bold preaching!
From the sermon, " If I am wrong upon other points, I am positive that the sin of this age is impurity of doctrine, and laxity of faith. Now you know you are told every Sunday that it does not signify what you believe; that all sects and denominations will be saved; that doctrines are unimportant things; that as to the doctrines of God's grace, they are rather dangerous than otherwise, and the less you inquire about them the better; they are very good things for the priests, but you common people cannot understand them. Thus they keep back a portion of the gospel with cautious reserve; but having studied in the devil's new Jesuitical college, they understand how to call themselves particular Baptists, and then preach general doctrines, to call themselves Calvinists, and preach Arminianism, telling the people that it does not signify whether they preach damnable heresies instead of the truth of God."
Where is this boldness today? Today we have 'Christians' locking arms with error and those who cleave to it! What a shameful thing this is.