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"Leaning on Her Beloved"
Leonard from Phillips Ranch
By walking with you, O Lord, we are able to lean on your everlasting arms. He who walks with you daily, leaning on your arms,...
Henry Law | Puritan Devotional
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Sermon4/6/2024 8:50 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ He Is Awesome! ”
Omniscient and Almighty God, although to us the world seems out of control, we rejoice that you are everywhere at once and cognizant of even the smallest of minutiae. There is nothing you do not know, and you are involved in every aspect of your creation. The eyes of every creature look to you for sustenance and provision. You open your hand and satisfy their every need. You know where the fox has its burrow and where he lurks in the darkness of the night. As for man, you alone know the hearts of every living person. You know the number of hairs on our heads, just as you know the number of stars in the night sky. You know us better than we know ourselves. You know our thoughts, our plans, our goals, our sins. Before the die is cast, you know the result, for you have already determined the outcome of all events. There is a divine destiny even in the fall of a sparrow. You order everything according to the counsel of your excellent will so that all things may work to your glory. You turn the world on its axis, and nothing is left to chance. Thank you that our daily lives are in your infallible and almighty hands. Glory be to you in the highest. Amen.

Sermon4/3/2024 2:47 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ True Riches ”
Our Lord proclaimed a gospel that provides every necessity, and it is he who is the Provider of our souls. Priceless possessions come to us through him. He became poor like us in order that he might reconcile us to God and open the floodgates of his mercy and grace, which gifts are better than gold bars or rare jewels. When we look into ourselves, we are dismayed, but when we look to Christ, we rejoice in his abundant provision for our souls. Wealth and riches are his to give, and he gives generously and without reproach. Therefore may he grant to us assets that endure forever, for we come to him to buy wine and milk without money, trusting that from him we can secure all that is necessary to support us in this present life, and to make us happy through all eternity. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth. Amen.

Sermon3/27/2024 2:48 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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Your present trial
James Smith
“ Great Sermon! ”
Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I keep your word. It was good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn your statutes. Psalm 119:67,71

Sermon3/25/2024 10:14 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ Much Needed Message ”
Smith's message reminds me of a song I used to sing in Sunday School: "Give Me Oil in My Lamp." When the oil runs low, and God seems to withdraw his grace, that's when we need to be anointed afresh by the Holy Spirit. To Him, whose word is like a fire, be honor and glory forever.

Sermon3/24/2024 3:23 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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Ready to murmur and repine?
Charles Simeon
“ The Divine Prorogative ”
WORD: I form the light and create darkness. Is 45:7 PRAYER: Holy One of Israel, design and purpose obtain in everything you have created, as well as in every event that takes place. Consider the bowman at the battle for Ramoth Gilead who shot an arrow at random. Was it an accident that the arrow struck between the joints of armor worn by King Ahab, thus killing him? No event good or bad is a matter of happenstance. Every occurrence has your hand in it, and each event is the culmination of your immutable purpose. You have appointed sun and moon for the seasons, and decreed that summer and winter shall not fail. You have drawn the boundaries of the nations and chosen their leaders. You spread the clouds that shower the earth, plant the clover in the field, and paint the flowers of the meadow. All things have been designed and are managed by your unsurpassed wisdom. You have preordained both prosperity and adversity, Job’s gains as well as his losses. It follows then that you may lead us beside still waters one day, but turn to lead us into the valley of the shadow of death another. You who direct the fall of a sparrow love us eternally, and you allow into our lives nothing that contradicts that love. You alone are God, who do all these things. Amen. ©LM

Sermon3/22/2024 3:33 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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An Ocean of Consolation!
James Smith
“ His Consolations Lift Us ”
Our grief can be so wide we cannot see across it, and so deep we never reach bottom. Let us find solace in the Crucified One, who himself was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He has the power and the willingness to heal the brokenhearted and commiserate with those who mourn. Behold him at Bethany, grieving over Lazarus his friend, groaning in spirit, eyes welling with tears. How he loved him, and how he loves us, who also groan and weep in this vale of tears. Truly his consolations cheer our soul. Amen.

Sermon3/20/2024 3:38 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ The Art of Contentment ”
Faithful Redeemer, your providence ensures that nothing in heaven or on earth happens without your consent, all things working for your glory and our eternal benefit. What is more, your infinite power guarantees that your plans will never be delayed or derailed. You have vowed never to leave or forsake us. Your presence comforts and assures us, for you who never slumber nor sleep keep watch over us continually. As David said, *I lay down and slept. I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.” Your solemn promises to guide us, to give us grace in time of need, and to grant us strength for each new day give us peace. No wonder the apostle was content. The art of contentment is to trust you for everything, to demand nothing, and to be grateful for all that is given. To you who strengthen, help, and uphold us be exaltation and thanksgiving forever. Amen.

Sermon3/19/2024 3:06 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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True riches and honor!
James Smith
“ Whence Come Riches and Honor? ”
Both riches and honor come from you, O Lord, and you reign over all. In your hand is power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. —1 Chronicles 29:12

Sermon3/17/2024 3:40 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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The hand of Jesus!
James Smith
“ Stirring Message ”
Would that we had such sermons preached today instead of what we hear so often, like insupportable drivel about a rapture, a millennium, the modern state of Israel, the Battle of Armageddon, and news headlines passed off as salvation history. My soul hungers for messages such as this one. Thank you, SermonAudio, for making them available.

Sermon3/16/2024 2:54 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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My Child!
Joseph Alleine
“ Great Sermon! ”
God finds nothing in a man to turn his heart, but to turn his stomach. Oh, insufferable stench, if you would only smell your own putrefaction! Behold your ghastly visage, your crawling lusts, your slime and corruption. Don’t your own clothes abhor you? Except for his own pity nothing prevails upon God to bestow converting grace on us. —Joseph Alleine

Sermon3/14/2024 2:59 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ The Beauty of His Blood! ”
By the blood of the sacrificial Lamb, you have made sinners and lawbreakers clean, making us objects of compassion rather than objects of wrath and retribution. This is the good news of the gospel. Praise and gratitude to the Lamb of God, for our sins were as scarlet, but he made them white as snow, they were red like crimson, but he made them like wool!

Sermon3/11/2024 6:57 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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Is Christ your Lord?
James Smith
“ Jesus is Lord! ”
He who has God has everything; he who has everything but God has nothing. —Augustine

Sermon3/10/2024 3:06 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ Your Precepts Are My Delight ”
On your exceedingly great mercy rests all my hope. Give what you command, and command what you will. —Augustine (354-430)

Sermon3/9/2024 7:13 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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Living stones!
James Smith
“ Stone of Stumbling ”
WORD: Herod hoped to see some miracle done by him. Lk 23:8 PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, Ruler of all nations, you did not come to entertain kings or perform miracles to prove yourself to skeptics. You came to seek and to save the lost, to make known your Father in heaven, and to destroy the works of the devil. You are the image of the invisible God, seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High until your enemies are made a footstool for your feet. You are the One who bruises the serpent’s head, who Moses said emerges as a Prophet from the midst of his people, and whose eyes burn like embers as you trample the winepress of the furious wrath of God Almighty. You are the stone that the builders rejected, but who became the chief cornerstone of a new temple, a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, but choice and precious in the sight of God. You are he whom the Father loved before the foundation of the world, and with whom he has delighted to fellowship in eternity. Clothed in majesty like the King that you are, you will return to us like lightning flashing from east to west, and all eyes will see you. You will establish an everlasting kingdom on the earth. Be exalted forever, O King, above every earthly ruler and above every spiritual principality in creation. Amen.

Sermon3/8/2024 6:50 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ Uplifting Words! ”
Strengthen me to brave resolutely the burdens I must carry, and help me to remember that I am not my own but have been bought with a price. I am a sojourner in a world that sets itself against the almighty God, the world having pushed you aside and murdered the Son of your love. Let me therefore not live for the things that are seen, but for the things that are unseen and eternal, for the petty momentary suffering I now endure is preparing for me pleasures in heaven far beyond the reach of my imagination. May the joy of the Lord be a shield to me, and your word a sword in my hand. Amen.

Sermon2/13/2024 3:28 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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“ Blessed Affliction ”
Merciful Lord, you have chastened me severely, but you have not given me over to death. Blessed is the man you chasten and save from ruin. "Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I keep your word. It is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn your statutes." Psalm 119:67, 71

Sermon2/9/2024 3:41 PM
Leonard Martinez from Diamond Bar, CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Leonard Martinez
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Christian contentment
Don Fortner
“ To Be Heard, Absorbed, and Lived! ”
Lord of Hosts and King of Glory, teach us the art of contentment: to trust you for everything, to demand nothing, and to be grateful for all that is given. Amen.

Sermon1/31/2024 11:32 AM
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Paul Washer
“ Cool sermon ”
This video is called “unpopular” (which Is is)but it is one of the most popular sermons by Paul washer!

Sermon1/27/2024 5:12 PM
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“ Comprehensive comfort! ”
Just when you think nothing else could be said about the words "It is I," Newman Hall draws out more and more scriptural comfort.

Sermon7/15/2023 1:10 PM
Gary from Tennessee  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gary
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Enjoy your sermons. Please email me

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