Great Sermon! What a wonderful wonderful sweet message!! It was such a blessing and I just thank the Lord for all of the precious Grace speakers in today's time and in the past ðŸ‘♥ï¸
Great Sermon! Awesome gospel message about our salvation found only in the person and work of our saviorand God Hesus and by his faith given to us freely. I will love them freely hosea. Freely receive freely give Matthew 10.
Great Sermon! Great teaching on.our ups and downs, they are a plan for God to show us daily his goodness grace mercy, and our frailty. As we have received him so walk in him Colossians 2:6. We received him by the spirit of God revealing out frailties and then showing us his full and abiding strength to keep us in his gracious. These are not inconveniences but directed by God for our good. They lead us to him over and over until heaven.