Great Sermon! Oh brother Larry!! You just don't know how much I am blessed by hearing your sweet messages!!! thank you so much in your faithfulness to keep preaching the gospel!! We all love to hear you speak...
love to you and your sweet family
Margaret Elmore Gebhart
Great Sermon! Among the countless of the seasonal messages delivered during the Christmas time, this one is truly special and faithful. It gives the glory to God and comforts God’s people. Ed
Such a comforting message! So thankful the Lord led me to listen to this message! How you explained what a sound mind is for a believer gave me such peace! I had a very hard time understanding that part of scripture for the longest time! It was quite the challenge for me to believe I was truly in Christ after having a nervous breakdown about 7 years ago. I would often meditate on Isaiah 26:3 “Tho will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee.†and think to myself, maybe I am not the Lord’s after having a nervous breakdown, that’s not a peaceful mind. But it was during that time the Lord began showing me my sin and I began to agree with Him that I was a sinner only worthy of Hell and condemnation! You spoke truth that helped me to see Christ and myself more clearly now and back in that particular place in time when the the Lord was revealing my sinfulness to me, and leading me in closer fellowship to Himself! I take it that is the order it has to be done in, sin revealed in us in order for us to bow and worship Christ in truth and awe as He should be!! Truly beautiful how He used your preaching several years later to comfort my soul about what a sound mind is. TheLord is so kind and merciful to keep comforting and growing us up in Him, and giving us His peace!
Great Sermon! I have loved Pastor Fortners messages ever since I came across his Providence and Predestination series. May the day come when I will meet him again , so be it God.
Great Sermon! I totally agree with with the preaching and teachings of this blessed servant of God. And to DG of Florida...your comments are so very true.
Great Sermon! I just discovered this wonderful man of God. But I discovered him in the very nick of time when I was in a great deal of confusion and just one of his sermons uplifted me out of a very dark place. I truly thank God for the day I found and listened to his teachings. Thank You Jesus. Thank You so much
Great Sermon! I will missed pastor Don, a great preacher for Jesus Christ. I'm listening online on his sermons and found out today that he is with the Lord. I feel sad but his sermons will be for generations to come.