Great Sermon! the gospel is always one. Only someone who does not know the Gospel would say there are many versions. Evangelicals share the same gospel. The biblical gospel. The only gospel. They may disagree on some things, but the gospel is the same. That's where unity comes from. Knowing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Great Insights! Dr. White's teachings and insights are always very helpful and edifying. Men like him are, sadly, becoming more rare. A thorough study of Hebrews will eliminate much confusion about the "Old and the New", and greatly enlarge Christ in our hearts. Many thanks to sermonaudio and Dr. White for being a Godly oasis in a desert of misinformation and falsehood.
Is God Really First in Your Life? This sermon really convicted me as to the question above. The words of Deut. 13 are not easy words to be sure, though they do tell us much about how we are to love our God. I love the way the old and new testament Scriptures are brought together by Dr. White. The explaination he gives of how these words can be twisted and our need to have an answer is very good to know. Also that we need to leave the results of our answers, to Deut. 13, to God, to work out His own purposes. He teaches us how we end up with shallow love for the Lord. The ending is excellent, "...that every act of sin is a demostration that we love something or someone more than we love God." May God give us the desires of His heart, to follow, fear and love Him most of all, with Jesus as our example and grace as our strength, we will do better to love Him most of all. Thank you Dr. White!
Great Sermon! I would have never seen with such clarity this portion of His Word without this sermon. Thank you. And the explanation of our Lord Jesus saying He could not...showing it as a breaking of the unity of the rich...because He could not!! I have received from this. And, what an indescribable grace to have unshakable faith that these things are and Christ Is Who He say He Is to the point where believing becomes more like knowing beyond any shadow of doubt. It's all of grace and treasure. Thank you Bro. White.
Just what I needed! I have been so discouraged lately by what I see. Sometimes I am tempted to just bury my head in the sand, but that is not God's way. Thank you, Dr. White, for reminding me of that.
Great Sermon! With the ongoing advancement of the liberal/lawless agenda, being supported by Government, & the promotion of "same sex marriage"/homosexual "rights"/"respect" for perversion/ "hate speech" called against those speaking out against blatent wickedness. Romans 1:26: comes to mind. "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature".
So a very timely address from Dr. James White, to a wicked & godless generation.
Outstanding Sermon! I'm thankful for this message. I feel like my eyes have been opened to see with much more clarity this wonderful work of the Holy Spirit. I never realized before how powerfully, continually and graciously the Holy Spirit is working. I love this message, it's the best I've ever heard on this topic. This is an exceptionally good teaching on the tesitmony of the Holy Spirit. My faith has been strengthened by it's truth, hey, the Holy Spirit was at work in me while listening! What a blessing. I'm thankful that it's here on SA, I can listen to it again and again. I'm thankful for this preacher.
Great Sermon! heard this sermon well over 12 years ago it lifted me up with joy then and did again today.
Consistancey, consistancy God truly meant it when He said "I CHANGETH NOT"
Thanks for your diligence in rightly dividing the word of truth. You have surely shown yourself to be a servant that needeth not be ashamed. May Our Magnificent Lord, God and Savior bless you and your ministry and may our every thought word and deed be according to His perfect will and pleasing in His sight.
a sinner saved only by the Grace of God
Great Sermon! Pastor Fry. It was good to hear your sermon today. God still uses your work to bless me. Thank you very much. I still listen to James, too. By the way, I sure wish you would allow videos of your sermons to be added on SermonAudio.
In His service,
Don Lord
Great Sermon! A very good sermon Pastor White. I really enjoyed it. It is very courageous to speak out boldly. There are increasingly a group of ministers who are being quiet about homosexuality. This is a true test of integrity and you have this definitely! Very admirable. Pls continue to stand firm esp. In these times--in the face of the general public and also the present government. God Bless You!
Great Sermon! This sermon is soooo amazing. It is so contrary to what my former pastor preached in defense of homosexuality and I've since learned how much he twisted scripture to fit his defense. I'm Methodist and I've found that the Methodist Church is divided on this issue, a lot of their Churches have been corrupted by Gnosticism and acceptance of what our society highly regards as acceptable. Oh how far the Methodist Church has fallen I am reminded of John Wesley's quote saying "I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case unless they hold fast both the doctrine, spirit, and discipline with which they first set out.”
Great Sermon! This is the first time that I am hearing about the 21st of May, 2011 being the end. The word of G-d says that no man knows the hour or the day when this would happen. The word of G-d is true today and forever. How can so many people be duped??