Spot on and it's pervasive. This preaching is not about what you put in your body regarding salvation in Christ, but what fools we are if we ignore the admonition of scripture which tells us we perish for a lack of knowledge, and not to be ignorant of Satan's devices. These chemicals are devices.
Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit, Satan may not be able to get us one way but He can shut our testimony by the chems in our system. He can still attack us Body Mind Spirit. Weakest link folks.
Mr Faust please be encouraged to press on. Your sermons deal with issues very few preachers cover. You stir me up to do the same.
Teilhard De Chardin wrote in the 1940's stating they would change man through hormones to promote evolution to the next stage.
May I also mention for future addition to this subject the effects wifi and rf has on the male body.
I spoke a few years ago to a guy at work who was ex Australian Army in communications and his superiors told him that if he wanted children to let them know so they could move him off base.
He was told to wait 6 months before trying for a child otherwise he and his wife had a 90% chance for a girl.
He was told the wifi effected the testes and sperm. Now 5G is rolling out in the US.
It's total war on the people.
Informative to say the least! Thanks for this wonderful teaching that's packed with information from your research. The KJV Bible is truly the word of God and told us everything we needed to know from the very beginning, including how to take care of our bodies and stay healthy. Wonderful sermon, loved it. God Bless.
This is 100% factual. Very heart broken that so many people "do not agree with this" for the simple fact that it is very, very easy to find when you do the research. I find my heart getting harder every single time I see Christians turn their back on such facts, question it and even question the pastor that has done the extensive research for you, out of love and fear that you will end up like the families he spoke of. I have been researching this topic for months, now, and Pastor Joey Faust just presented the most well researched and informed sermon you will ever hear on transgenderism, sodomites, and the like. Appreciate it, because it's rare. And if you "cannot agree on this one" it's because you don't want to - not because the information isn't here for you to find, yourself, to validate every single thing he said in this sermon.
God Bless you, your family and your entire flock Pastor faust, and thank you again for your amazing Research and dedication to arming the saints.
Response Thanks for listening and sharing sister. I give a major disclaimer at the conclusion of this long sermon, as well as in the description, explaining that any involuntary feelings that are against God (whether from Adam's fall, or genetics, or immoral associations, or chemicals/toxins!), should be resisted. The point is to make not provision for the flesh - whether it is from propaganda, or chemical poisons. Escaping the poisons will be as hard as escaping the homosexual, feminist propaganda - but we must try: "Look not at the wine." "Come not nigh." "Come out from among them." "Touch not." I have been to jail for calling Sodomite sinners to repentance. They are morally guilty, regardless of propaganda, or poisons. The devilish "insiders" told us they would use a two-pronged attack to manipulate: Propaganda and drugs, hormones, etc. God bless.
I cant agree. Its not what we take into our bodies that defiles us. Its from the heart. This sounds like you are making excuse for all the dreadful sins such as transgenderism and sodomy and blaming it on foods we eat.
Thanks for listening and sharing sister. I give a major disclaimer at the conclusion of this long sermon, as well as in the description of it, explaining that any involuntary feelings that are against God (whether from Adam's fall, or genetics, or immoral associations, or chemicals/toxins!), should be resisted. The point is to make not provision for the flesh - whether it is from propaganda, or chemical poisons. Escaping the poisons will be as hard as escaping the homosexual, feminist propaganda - but we must try: "Look not at the wine." "Come not nigh." "Come out from among them." "Touch not." I have been to jail for calling Sodomite sinners to repentance. They are morally guilty, regardless of propaganda, or poisons. The devilish "insiders" told us that they would use a two-pronged attack to manipulate: Propaganda and drugs, hormones, etc. God bless. P.S. The words of the Lord about nothing coming into a man defiling him, mean simply that all people have a moral choice whether to respond to temptations, external or internal.
Not sure I can agree with this message, Bro Joey. Are you saying chemicals are to blame for transgenders, homos and feminists? I believe SIN is the root cause not what we put in our bodies. Yes, I agree we should be very careful and try to eat healthy as much as possible, but Jesus said it isnt what goes INTO the body that defiles it, its what comes from the heart. This sounds more like making an excuse for sin.
Great Sermon! I enjoyed this sermon! You made acronyms for the word nice. Here's one:
Neuroleptic drugs, better known as antipsychotic agents, are used "off-label" to chemically restrain people who live in residential care facilities like nursing homes and group homes for persons with disabilities. Thanks so much for this message! Blessings!
Great Sermon! DO NOT Ignore this message!
This man is not exaggerating in the least. He has driven the nail through the temple of Jezebel as Jael did to Sierra. No less ought to be done to the Jezebel spirit.
Great Sermon! I believe there is a two-fold agenda to labeling everyone with some mental disorder, especially children. It will be used to disarm the future generation by using this as a reason to refuse 2nd amendment rights, leaving them defenseless from tyranny aka NWO.
Another great Sermon! Amen on this one yet again. I appreciate the care and diligence you put forth in handling such a tough subject that the vast majority of "compromising" pastors won't touch today. To say it was convicting as well is an understatement. Continue preaching the truth! And thank you for applying God's holy and inerrant word in a way that applies to all of our lives.
Great Sermon! Amen Brother! One of the most refreshing and convicting messages I've heard on this subject recently. You've dared to open the word of God and expose one of the most demonic movements in this country. May God bless you richly for your faithfulness in proclaiming His word to the world.
Insightful Sermon! This message gives us great insight into the growing perversion of psychological androgyny. We see it in numerous entertainment people, in fashion designs, in every avenue of advertising, the insidious promotion of having each sex becoming like the other as homosexuality takes the lead. Our educational system will soon use androgyny methods to confuse our youngsters and more mental illusions and delusions will become widely accepted. We must get deeper into studying and following the Holy Scriptures to protect our family.
Great Sermon! Very needful teaching for our day. I love Pastor Faust's messages on these neglected Bible truths. I would refer other Believers to Pastor Faust's messages on a wide variety of subjects, especially on the Biblical roles of men and women and the family.