Great Sermon! I love the exploration of books. Here is an idea for your next topic: Celebrate Grandparents Day in September by reading The Wooden Bowl - El bol de madera
Interesting Although a tad extreme, I think there are some fair points made about examining all aspects of what books (namely, fairy tales). Of course the Harry Potter/Twilight books are (rightly) condemned, but Pastor Faust goes further into the deeper content and history of works like Mother Goose and McGuffy Readers, etc. Interesting stuff.
Great Sermon! Joey,
I was thinking this morning about these things, wondering if there was anyone who has occupied his mind with these matter, able to put forth a well thought out presentation. Then... I ran across your sermon. We would disagree on several denominational aspects of the faith. However, I wanted to drop you a line, thanking you for this effort in the Lord. If I were in Texas I would like to shake your hand.
Facebook Christianity Challenged! "They have sought out many inventions". "If you right eye offends thee, pluck it out". Before people seeing the title of this sermon begin to hurl the epitaph "legalism" and "typical fundamentalist" to this important subject, they should give a fair hearing 1) to the excellent scripture texts used in this message, and 2) the speakers talk of "abuse" of these and "maybe" instead of absolute condemnation of all such technology, and 3) history of these inventions. If an honest poll could be taken, what percentage of Christians would say that they have abused their cell phones or computers and sinned for a period of time, or struggle with particular sins because of these devices? Temptation comes by use of means, and Christians are to avoid temptation. The Amish refute every day that these things are "necessary" for living, which makes a point.
This a great counter-balance to a Featured Sermon this week from a popular Free Presbyterian Church which PRESUMES EVEN ABOVE PARENTAL AUTHORITY that teens and children still under their parents have almost a Universal
Conformity to the World--among "conservative" churches--without shame in having their own devices! Remember when the TV was called the Boob Tube, by Christian parents? Is it really necessary?
Great Sermon! I gained so much wisdom out of your message i cant wait to be lead,to the right church of christ jesus God bless keep preaching the good news
Great Sermon! I have my degree in psychology and i renounced it upon becoming a born again Believer in Jesus Christ; one of the things the Lord did was to reveal to me the lies and fallacies of psychology. You cannot be both a true Bible believing follower of Christ AND a secular humanist; all psychology is rooted in secular humanism. It has been said to me, "Yea, but dont throw the baby out with the bathwater". But sweetheart, that's no ordinary baby, that's Rosemary's (demon)baby! Throw it out!
Great Sermon! You must have people such as me, who were victims of modern psychology, in your church. It is a deadly trap and before one realizes they are drugged and they lose twelve years for have in diabetes and thyroid disease, diagnosed as Bi/Polar with somati-form disorder. After my kidneys and liver started to shut down, I threw it all away. I now have my life and I apply the WORD to life. GOD saved my life, really and literally!