Election IS simple I never really knew about the doctrine of election. As a fairly new Christian, this was one area left unclear and unlearned. After hearing this message, election just makes sense.
Salvation IS of the Lord ..... tell me anything contrary to this, and it's heresy!
Great Sermon! If someone is truly born again,which is
a supernatural act of God, then he cannot be unborn again and lose his salvation. study the doctrine of assurance,final perseverance of the saints,doctrine of eternal salvation.If
someone totally falls away then he was never saved to begin with.
Great Sermon!...No no no not so One can get there joy of salvation restored so how come you arrive at your conclussion that salvation cannot be restored,....Me thinks you have misread Hebrews 6 verses 1 -10
Great Sermon! Outstanding message. A very timely message, that I wish every pastor in America would listen to, whether they would accept or reject--that would be up to them and God.
A Message that will help many! This is a great message that will help many! Pastor Noblit here shows that even the FAITH of the repentant sinner is God's covenant GIFT to those sinners who are "given to Christ" (John 6:37a; 17:2).
There is nothing more precious than the Gospel of God's SOVEREIGN GRACE in Christ the Lord. If you are saved, my reader, GIVE HIM ALL THE PRAISE! For "Salvation is of the LORD" (Jonah 2:9). Amen.
I really appreciate both this preacher and this message. May God bless it to an ever-increasing circle of needy souls. W. F.
Great Sermon! If you are into a God loves you just the way you are, seeker friendly, self esteem type message then avoid this sermon like the plague. Of course, if you would like to hear the true Gospel and perhaps be converted, then this is a most highly recommended sermon. I pray that God will use this message to the conversion of many souls. If I (Jesus) be lifted up, I will draw all men unto myself. Praise you Lord Jesus!
Without Theological Merit! A careful reading of Scripture reveals that it is God's choice of who is compelled into the Kingdom, not yours or mine. I'm so thankful that it wasn't up to me, because like all other unbelievers, I was DEAD in my sins and trespasses, completely unable to even recognize what was Spiritually beneficial for me, let alone make that kind of choice. This is the primary reason why there are so many deceived- unsaved today in Church congregations around the world. John 10:25-30 tells the story for all those who are His!
Excellent & Encouraging Message! An excellent and encouraging message from Pastor Jeff, delivered in Wisconsin. As our little Alaskan congregation is moving into a position to adopt our own purpose/mission statement, hearing this message is very timely... Thanks, Pastor Jeff. Ours purpose statement will be the same as yours, or very similar so as to be understood by our Yup'ik membership.
Powerful Message!!!! I'll just go ahead and say this; this message is hands down probably the most powerful message I've ever heard on this subject. A MUST HEAR!!!
Great Sermon! What a wonderful sermon!! I too am 62 years old and God through his grace call me from the dead and put me in Christ only 3 years ago. As a new christian, I am growing in grace and need sermons like this. I praise our Lord that He still provides servants on earth to rightly divide the truth and teach us.
"All things in moderation....." A strong message for the mature Christian...but let us not forget the growing number of "child prodigies" today who are springing up with incredible head knowledge, bypassing the milk of the Word altogether. They remain but babes on the inside...and they are out there teaching. The Christian walk is a long, hard one containing much suffering along the way, resulting in an experienced, personal trust in a personal, trustworthy God...with a million life lessons contained therein. MANY will say in that day, "Lord, Lord, open to us." The example used here of the sermon, "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" is an excellent example in that many were not affected by it, and then the many who greatly were. Nothing is by might, neither by power. While of necessity we must needs grow in the faith, we must NEVER forget the message of The Cross, which is foolishness to the world, but remains The Power of God. This glass of Milk is very much needed to "wash down" a balanced Meal.
Makes you think This sermon tells it like it is. If
you're serious about becomming a mature
Christian, you owe it to yourself to
study the scripture deeply after you've
heard the sermon. The preacher can only present the truth, you have to
accept it, expand on it, and take it
into your spiritual life. You have
to continue to grow in the Word every
day of your Christian life.
Uncommonly Powerful Preaching! Uncommonly Powerful Preaching! Probably the most powerful sermon I have heard brother Jeff preach. That is why I added it to my podcast (after getting permission of course)
May this sermon be spread far and wide to the glory of Christ. I have posted the video to it on GodTube, Google Video, HisHolySpace and MySpace with links back to Anchored in Truth and Jeff's church.
Astoundingly Powerful! Please take 48 minutes to watch this!!! I have never heard anyone preach the truth more boldly than this man of God. Pastor Jeff Noblit, I thank God for you. Your preaching and leadership makes me want to move to Muscle Shoals, AL. Keep on preaching the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth...all for His glory. You are making an eternal difference in more lives than you can see with human eyes. God bless you.
Great Sermon! Questions??? I really apperciate some of your teachings exspecially the ones where you give lots of holy sripture. Because most preachers just get up & babble. Theres a real famine upon the earth for the Word Of GOD. Anyway i have some questions in regards to this particular teaching. You said we don't know the heartof a person. However Messiah Yeshua said that out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries,fornications, thefts, false witness,slanders. Now if a person never keeps there word...says one thing dose another on a regular basis. What is that person? So yeah there heart is evil because there a liar. And you can know when a person is saved if your around them long enough to see how there living. Of course they could be in a backslidden state if thats the case then are we not to warn them in a spirit of love?? Also theres alot of holy scripture that warns about falling away. Much more then what you give in this sermon. . Its a matter of falling back into unbelief. And the Israelites & the gentiles which joined themselves to them, as holy scriptures says it was a mixed mulituded. Anyway they literally saw miracles we have not seen & they literaaly heard the voice of GOd yet they fell back inunbelief. so if we true believers can't then why is there so much warning about it??