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Freedom Ministries
Pastor John Weaver  |  Fitzgerald, Georgia
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"Great Sermon! '30 Pieces of Silver' author"
Eric B from Missouri
Our family loves listening and learning from John Weaver's sermons every week. We're so glad glad that we have this resource of...
John Weaver | Matthew 26:14-25
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Sermon9/3/19 7:41 PM
Mrs. Toni Cunningham from Ohio  Find all comments by Mrs. Toni Cunningham
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for such an edifying message, Pastor Weaver. During these troubled times, we are so thankful for your preaching and teaching. I found a quote from a book we have about the Southern Confederacy, and I had to share it here, because this sermon reminded me of it. God bless you and much love to you and yours in Christ Jesus "Look at the South until you are filled with the love of her, and when you are filled with her greatness, reflect that it was acquired by men of daring who knew their duty and feared dishonor in the hour of action. All alike gave their lives and received praise which grows not old. I speak not so much of that in which their remains are laid as of that in which their glory survives to be remembered forever, on every fitting occasion in word and deed. There are monuments and graves for famous men, but the memorials we speak of today are not so much engraved in stone as in the hearts of men." ~ Dana Sheppard

Sermon6/23/19 4:00 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ States' Rights: Slaughtered at Appomattox ”
The ruination of states' rights was stated by Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase on a year after the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomattox. Salmon P. Chase said that, "State's rights died at Appomattox." What Salmon P. Chase was saying was that the surrender of the Confederacy at Appomattox on 09 April, 1865 was the nail in the coffin to local sovereignty through state's rights. The erasure of state's rights on 09 April, 1865 resulted in the centralization of power in Washington, D.C. The fact is that state's rights was meant to restrain any power grab by the federal government intended on expanding the scope of influence in Washington D.C.

Sermon6/9/19 11:37 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Centralized Power: Power To The Bad Guys ”
As this sermon makes evident, any time that political power becomes centralized at the expense of segmented power, the bad guys win by default. This was evident in the American Civil War (12 April, 1861 – 09 April, 1865), World War I (28 July, 1914 – 11 November, 1918), World War II (01 September, 1939 – 02 September, 1945) and the Cold War (1947 – 1991).

Sermon6/8/19 1:50 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Stumbling Blocks to Centralized Power ”
Just as the Yankees referred to Confederates as "rebels" for defending local sovereignty through states' rights, so the globalists refer to defenders of national and local sovereignty as "rebels". In the minds of centralized power brokers, those who favor segmented power over centralized power would be referred to as "rebels". All of this shows that segmented power is intended on being a stumbling block to centralized power.

Sermon6/6/19 10:58 AM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ A Sermon About The Facts of Dixie ”
The reason why Yankees referred to Confederates as "rebels" is because these "rebels" stood for states' rights. However, it is an evident fact of history that the Dixie Confederacy was a greater defender of our constitutional liberties than the Union ever was. Indeed the Yankees thought of the Confederates as outlaws, but only because these outlaws defended states' rights and personal liberty, something which the Yankee Union was not a defender of.

Sermon5/25/19 3:47 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Abraham Lincoln: Admired by Adolf Hitler ”
Here is historical proof from writings that Adolf Hitler admired Abraham Lincoln. In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler said that, “The individual states of the American Union . . . could not have possessed any state sovereignty of their own. For it was not these states that formed the Union, on the contrary it was the Union which formed a great part of such so-called states.†This was consistent with the statement made by Abraham Lincoln on his First Inaugural Address saying, “The Union is much older than the Constitution. It was formed in fact, by the Articles of Association in 1774. It was matured and continued by the Declaration of Independence . . . by the Articles of Confederation in 1778 . . . and establishing the Constitution. . . . It follows from these views that no State, upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union . . .†These quotes show that Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler had a lot in common.

Sermon5/21/19 6:49 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Local Sovereignty: A Stumbling Block ”
Republican Union officer, Col. Robert Ingersoll said that, “The great stumbling block, the great obstruction in Lincoln’s way and in the way of thousands was the old doctrine of State’s Rights.†This sermon shows why local sovereignty is a stumbling block to national centralization of power just as local and national sovereignty is a stumbling block is a stumbling block to the regional and global centralization of power.

Sermon5/20/19 8:44 PM
Billie Doughty from Choctaw, Okla.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Billie Doughty
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Promises of the Law Part 17
John Weaver
“ The promises of the law ”

Sermon4/24/19 9:37 PM
Reanell Lancaster from Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Reanell Lancaster
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Promises of the Law Part 14
John Weaver
“ Finally!! ”
I have been watching Pastor Weaver's sermons on YouTube for awhile now. I have been looking and waiting for the 14th one in this series. It still wasn't out on YouTube today. I have at least 100 of his sermons saved on there. But in one of the older sermons of Mr. Weavers I was watching on there today he mentioned this sermon site. And Bam it was here. And I found many more I didn't know he had on this site. I am excited he said something about this site.. What a blessing Pastor Weaver's sermons have been to me. I am looking forward to hearing all the ones I haven't. Please let Pastor Weaver know that I am appreciative of the way he explains and expands so many things in Gods word and how he keeps it so honest. There are some crazy videos online. It's been a blessing to find a real man of God that's about Truth and Teaching and the ible not money.. I'm in a wheelchair and it's hard to go into church and sit thru a sermon most times with my pain. So I looked a long time to find someone like Pastor Weaver online to learn from. I'm blessed and thankful for his teachings. I feel I have grown in my faith and knowledge since finding his teachings. Thank you and God's blessings. Reanell

Sermon4/4/19 8:53 AM
Will from Mississippi  Contact via emailFind all comments by Will
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Promises of the Law Part 12
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for a much needed sermon on the sabbath. There is so much confusion on this subject among Christians.

Sermon4/1/19 5:02 AM
Linda  Find all comments by Linda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Here I am listening to this message for the first time 13 yrs. later and EVERYTHING has happened as you warned!! Things are far worse and for the life of me, I don't understand why we,the people, are willing to just stand by and watch this country implode! So many of our politicians do NOT have our welfare at heart. All I know is if America goes down, the whole world goes down.Even so, come LORD JESUS!

Sermon2/22/19 11:43 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Yankee Hypocrisy Defeated by One Sermon ”
This sermon defeats Yankee hypocrisy in terms of historical facts. There was far more slavery of people of Sub Saharan African descent under the Yankee flag than under the Confederate Flag. The ownership of slaves of Sub Saharan African descent under the Yankee flag dates can also be traced to the days of George Washington. It is ironic how the Yankee founding fathers like George Washington, professed liberty, but denied liberty to slaves of Sub Saharan African descent. This shows that the Yankee history is one rife with hypocrisy and irony. Even though we appreciate the liberties provided to use by the Constitution, the fact is that the founding fathers were not the heroes that people believe that they are. This means that many of the US presidents of the past like Millard Fillmore were the real bad guys. Because Washington DC has become highly centralized at the expense of local and state authority, there is little, if not, no doubt, that the present day US presidents show themselves to be more villainous than heroic in character.

Sermon2/18/19 9:16 PM
Billie Doughty from Choctaw,Oklahoma  Find all comments by Billie Doughty
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very enlightening and comforting.

Sermon2/17/19 9:46 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Centralized Power: The Ends Justify The Means ”
This sermon shows why centralized power is defined by the slogan, "the ends justify the means." To people who push for centralized power, the ends justify the means, but the means of reaching those ends are always wrong.

Sermon2/15/19 2:28 PM
Terri from Texas  Find all comments by Terri
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes history has been distorted and biased toward the South. Not all slaves were black. Also, blacks had slaves as well.

Sermon2/14/19 4:08 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ Confederate Flag: Symbol of Segmentation ”
This sermon shows why the Confederate Flag is in fact a symbol of segmentation of power as well as being a symbol of the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. As we know, the 10th Amendment of the Constitution reads, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." There are versions of state's rights in other countries like Canadian provincial rights. Once again, this sermon shows why segmentation of power, not centralization of power, is the way to go. Also, remember Genesis 11:1-9 in which Jehovah scattered the builders of the Tower of Babel. While there is a push by today's political bureaucrats to centralize power, this push to centralize power, even on a global level, is about preparing the world for the coming Antichrist.

Sermon2/14/19 7:01 AM
Dawn Colton from East TN  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dawn Colton
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Promises of the Law Part 7
John Weaver
“ Sermon missing ”
When will this sermon be available? I am enjoying this series very much.

Sermon2/10/19 10:28 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ The Facts About The Confederate Battle Flag ”
This sermon shows why the Confederate Battle Flag is not a symbol of sinful hatred, racism, and slavery at all. There was far more racism under the star and stripes as we have seen in this sermon. The racism under the stars and stripes existed as the genocide and displacement of American Indians, the slavery of people of Sub Saharan African descent, the internment of people of Japanese descent in internment camps, Agent Orange on Vietnamese civilians, 1 million dead Iraqis, and even more black prisoners than black workers. The fact is that centralized power in what is called Washington, DC attacks the liberties of ethnic minorities, whereas the segmented power of the Confederacy favors liberty for the people, including that of ethnic minorities. Thus, centralized power in Washington, DC favors people of full blooded European descendant at the expense of the interests of ethnic minorities. Even people of Jewish descendant aligned with the Confederacy given the antisemitism of the Union.

Sermon2/10/19 9:58 PM
Anonymous Name  Find all comments by Anonymous Name
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“ A Look At Confederate History ”
This sermon shows an accurate look at the history of the Confederacy. The states affiliated with the Confederacy seceded from the Union due to the Union straying from state's rights and liberty. We often hear the history of the American Civil War from a Unionist point of view, but the Unionist view of the Civil War is not based on historical facts. The fact is that the Union favored centralized power, whereas the Confederacy favored segmented power. One thing that should be mentioned is that Abraham Lincoln was also a favorite of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and even Vladimir Lenin. Today, the political elites push for centralized power in the form of the United Nations, European Union, and even the federal bureaucracy on the Potomac. It is great to have resources pertaining to historical facts on SermonAudio.

Sermon1/19/19 9:47 AM
William B from Denver, CO  Contact via emailFind all comments by William B
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Confederate Sacrifices
John Weaver
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a great and needful message. I listen to periodically to remind me we have it too easy. There are VERY few men like this today. To believe that men went through this and sent their sons off to die, just to own a slave (it was NOT that reason), is is epitome arrogance having no concern for the truth.

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