Gleaning me some seeds from Missouri. Enjoying every one of these tender morsels. Eventually gonna give rise to an Oak of Righteousness. Who would have thought they would find there way all the way to New York. Yes my Lord but even the dogs eat the scraps that falls from the Masters table.
Another Gem. And here's a Gem for you, its also on SermonAudio its By Pastor Jeff Crippen sermon series "Wise as Serpents" 17 part series. It's a Brilliant Series. Its also a terrifying series yet reassuring. It's made me re-examine everything and everyone, including myself.
Now that's an Earful. And a Mouthfull. ... Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.
‘Hear, and I will speak; I will question you, and you make it known to me.’ I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42
Thank you! Thank you for the encouraging comments. It has been a blessing to us to hear from you over the past several weeks. I thank the Lord that some of the preaching has been a help and a blessing to you. That is what we pray for and why we put the messages out there. You may contact me directly by email at, if you like. God bless, and thanks again for listening.
Iron 1037 I had been praying to our Lord to send some Iron into my life (Pro 27:17) though I did not think it would arise from 1,037 miles away. I thank you Brother Mike for being a source of Iron in my life as for the 1,037 miles away all I can think of at the moment is Isaiah 55:10,11