Who saves? I became a practising Christian after I got married. My husband had been to Sunday school consistently up until the age of 16 but I wouldn't say his family were practising Christians.
To begin with I tried to DO things to win my husband to Christ. However I came to realise that it was not my job to do the actually trying. My job as a Christian was to be a Christian and for God to use me if that was the way my husband was going to be saved. My husband's salvation was his own responsibility, not mine. I also think that by trying to do things to win him I might have been been getting in God's way. After all, even though I was a Christian I am still human and was probably trying to do things the human way.
One thing I read was the Christian has a love for another which the partner doesn't understand and can't see so they may be jealous without realising it.
My husband died after 18 years of marriage. I do not know if he was ever saved.
God helped me to endure a difficult marriage. And as a consequence my faith became stronger. There was a time that I considered giving up my Christianity thinking that it might make things easier, but I knew that I couldn't do that. Jesus was my rock and I clung to Him.
Sermon God is able to up hold His Moral Order of the world by his Word, Purpose and, Wisdom..He is in charge. Even in this time when men are trying to redefine the institutions of life. God will judge the wicked. He is the judge and he will judge fairly at His his set time within or at the end when he comes to set up His Kingdom. He is the one who putteth up and taketh down. I believe he is allowing man man to prove His Word is Truth in these end times as prophesied in His Word,. He has said in the last days many will be deceived. And since He is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of men's heart and neither is there anything that is not manifest in his sight, he will judge Fairly and Righteously..He is in charge and His Word is Truth...All the horns of the Wicked will be cut off but the horns of the Righteous shall be exalted. Amen Â
Great Sermon! Bro Mike this sermon is so much needed today. When even if it is recorded publicly, some will say I didn't say that. It seems we don't realize that we will be accountable for every word spoken. This is truly a sign of the times when it seems little Truth, Mercy or Knowledge of God is in the land. We need to bridle our tongue and keep our vows. Thank you for this sermon..I have been remained again how serious it is to make a vow and to show love and kindness with my words.
Great Sermon! Brother Mike...what a motivating,beautiful and insightful illustration of how only God can give the increase in our lives and so much needed to be known by all of us today. Thank you.
Great Sermon! What moving truth concerning the Bride of Christ...I was tremendously blessed and rejoiced by your relating the truths concerning the earthly bride and even more by the Glory of being part of the Bride of Christ. Beautiful Sermon
Great Sermon! I think this sermon is about strong meat and being able to by reason of use have our senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Good Sermon!
Great Sermon! Hard to pick a most loved verse but the woman at the well has always stirred my heart. Having our LORD must go to Samaria and meeting this woman one on one and her lifestyle, yet her willingness, interest and her honesty has always touched my heart in a way I cannot express or completely under stand. Lord Jesus gave her so much information and her faith to believe there was a Christ who would come and Jesus saying, I that speak unto thee am he, is so touching. Today when I listened to your sermon....it seemed to me that this may be a kind of picture of what true worship can be..
Great Sermon! Knew I would love this sermon from the beginning. I too feel that I don't belong in this generation. Have been called a Mennonite. Had to research Memonnites as didn't know what that meant as have no experience of them in N.I. Would love to meet this man's wife as in my experience most ministers don't say anything for they can't or they are afraid.
Great Sermon! Thank you for listening and for the encouraging comments. Of course, you may use the message. We will pray that it will be a help and blessing to others. God bless. - Bro. Mike
Great Sermon! God bless u 4 putting that sermon out. U said everything that needs to be said. Can I use ur sermon 4 the women in my church. Seems that they r bringing the world into the house of God n leadership r complacent. Am 1 of elderly ladies n biblically I feel I need to tell this young ladies about modesty thru ur sermon.
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN I have never heard the gospel put so eloquently. We do belong to Him, He possesses both body and soul. Just as Ruth was purchased or redeemed by Boaz, she belonged to Boaz, we have a better than Boaz, we have a wonderfully powerful Kinsmen Redeemer!
This reinforces the doctrine we’ve been bought with a price and oh what a price He has paid.
America's Spiritual Foundation The fact of the matter is that America was not only founded on secular humanism, but occultism and paganism as well. The Lady Justice with the blindfold in American symbolism is based on the pagan Greek goddess of justice Themis. All of this shows that the majority of people in America have had blatant disregard for the First and Second Commandments, even since the U.S. Constitution was ratified on 25 September, 1789.