Wise God. Great lessons: God is leading our lives in such a way as to use us for His glory, at the same time showing us our weakness, so to be evident that the power is His. Gideon was not qualified for that ministry, but God chose him and equipped and taught him: He will do the same with us. I liked especially the idea that, when we play with sin, God is not forsaking us, but disciplining us in order to turn us to Himself. Severe discipline is not sign of abandonment, but of love and care.
Second Adam. Christ, the second Adam, won the victory over Satan. Temptation did not make Him fall as Adam did. Christ was faithful in the wilderness, where the people of Israel failed. In Christ we have forgiveness and the power to resist temptation.
Disobedience. What a sad lesson: Christ healed the leper, but this man didn't obey Christ's command. How often we are doing this thing to God! After being blessed by Him, we are disobeying Him...
Lesson in humility. Jesus condemns the unhealthy ambition of the disciples. They didn't realize that they do not merit those exalted places. We do not merit heaven. Our sole ambition is to do the will of God as Christ did it.
Great mistake. The power of the Creator can mend this broken world. But how sad that those people were asking from the Son of God only physical healing, and not forgiveness and salvation! I saw my weakness also here: how many times I am in God's presence and I ask for little things, not glorifying Him by asking great things!
Real Jesus. I really needed this message. It is true: there are times when we want Jesus to be our servant, to fulfill our wishes and our dreams. But He is the Lord and He has His own plans with us, spiritual and more wise and glorious. We must be confronted by the real Jesus and His claims!
Great Sermon! Every morning I enjoy listening to Pauls sermons... and sometimes I have to stop running on my treadmill to get on my knees...this was one of those mornings/Messages! Thank you again Paul for being the bearer of the Message! God knew I so needed this one right now!
Great Sermon! An excellent hope and grace-saturated message to help the believer navigate through the trials in life. It was a godsend for my wife and I. Isn't it amazing how God can lead us to a message we need to hear, even though it was delivered over a year ago? Soli Deo gloria
Great Sermon! I just found out a week ago that I am facing melanoma cancer. I have been well all of my 75 years and this came as a real shock to me. I am a christian and have been for 55 years. I heard your sermon this morning on "A Second Opinion" My heart lept with joy at Dr. Paul Tripp's preaching.
Although most times I put this in God's hands there are those moments when I am afraid, not so much for my self because I know I am safe with Jesus but for my family, most of whom are not saved and I cry for them as I know how they will feel at the news. I ask myself do I have this kind of faith that this woman with the issue of blood had? Thank you for this wonderful message. I have heard other messages preached by Paul Tripp and they have always give me hope. Thank You.
Great Sermon! Delusions of Neutrality Great food for life's journey,God's given you great gift and passion to communicate his truth. Blessed by it!
Thank you Pastor Tripp! I was lead to your website by relatives who attend your church. Occasionally, I listen to your messages. Well, I had surgery a week ago and cannot go out for a while. I went to the 10th site and listened to this message and today the Lord spoke right to my heart. Thank you for allowing yourself to be His voice as you share His Word. May God bless you! Take care! MF
Great Sermon! Wow! i love that "keep your suffering "pure" " It is God's power work in my weakness" "I do not have to shop for who i am "identity"I am call the child of God i belong to the KING Of KING, glorify Him"" thank God for he has considered me to work on me by his relentless love""God hold all thing in His hand, i can rest in Him" NO longer facing suffering as strange thing, face it in the hope of glory!