Great peace. There is no condition or situation in which we will find ourselves in life, as God's children, and over which God should not be Lord. We are not alone! God is always our refuge and peace.
Great illumination. The process and content of this affirmation of Peter. Without the illumination of the Spirit, we all would be blind to who Jesus really is.
Sovereign God. Needed reminder of God's sovereignty in bringing His Kingdom. God has His times and methods, not ours. We must be faithful and patient. He will work!
Great contrast. A religion kept in human power contrasted with a religion of supernatural change in the heart. An external religion contrasted with a religion of the heart. The external religion of traditionalism of the Pharisees couldn't play as a foundation for the religion of Jesus.
Spiritual amnesia. In Christ we have wisdom for the foolishness of sin; power for the inability of sin; forgiveness for the guilt of sin; and, freedom from the slavery of sin. We must not live with spiritual amnesia, but to live out the grace given to us.
Living as saints. What a grace! Christ is pleading not on the basis of our good deeds, but on the basis of His sacrifice. A message about living our the Gospel salvation. A message about dedication, action, community and seriousness.
Hunger for glory. We need to see and to live for the glory of Christ, not to see to live fascinated by the glory of other things, which do not give spiritual life.
Great war. We must live with the reality of the spiritual war in which we are involved. There is a collision between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness and we are involved in this collision.
Grace. We can worship and serve God only after His will, not our way. His severity was part of His grace - because, without this, the people would remain in their deceit.
Great lessons. Jesus teaches the disciples great lessons about His sovereignty and His resources they need in ministry. He teaches them about inward rest and peace which come from trusting in Him.
Great fulfillment. Living for self glory or for the glory of creation and for the glory of God leads to unfulfilled life and to destruction. We were meant to find our fulfillment in God's glory.
Great call. The absolute uniqueness and necessity of Christ's sufferings and death.He died for our sins. His cross not only saved us, but calls us to bear our cross following Him in Christian obedience.
Great delusion. The blindness of religious men, who know not their spiritual state, not the salvation of God. Legalistic religious men believe they are better spiritually than they are. A false Gospel delude people to think they are more righteous than they really are. A false Gospel shows not your sin as it is in the sight of God.
Great danger. Danger of legalism, externalism, of moralism. The people who do that ignore the state of their heart. They do not concentrate on the state of their heart, but on external things. They do not search their hearts, but concentrate on criticizing others.
God working in us. We are not left on our own to try to live in our power the Christian life. God is working in us through His Spirit. In this way we can live a godly life.
Great danger. The danger and ugliness of pride, of considering ourselves higher than others. We are accepted by grace, but we can consider ourselves higher that others: God must take us this pride.