Balanced, practical and incredibly Christ centred My biggest mistake was not listening to this message sooner, even though I had downloaded it several weeks ago.
The depth and senstivity with which Pastor Scott deals with husbands and wives, their roles and the ultimate goal of marriage is simply masterful. I had already started reading William Gouge's book "Building a Godly home" edited by Scott Brown and Joel Beeke, so when Pastor Scott read the section to men again I listened more intently and then repented.
This is a message for all young, old and unmarried men and women, please if Christs love abides in you then listen to this message and allow your marriage to illustrate the Gospel message more clearly.
Thank you so much Pastor Scott. You may never know me here on earth but I'm sure one day my childrens children will thank God for your faithfulness in proclaming the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro A
Very carefully and thoughtfully done. I am so humbled to have Pastor Pollard as a personal friend. I thought of him and his faithfulness the MOMENT I heard about Doug Phillips, but only knew of this sermon through the comments. We are trying to transfer to Nashville and I said to my wife, the good thing is we will now be only 440 miles from Pensacola and we can go there and visit again! We would both appreciate that.
Great Sermon! This was a beautiful, humble, and convicting sermon about the seriousness of sin in every believer's life. Thank you for your willingness to deliver such an important sermon.
Listen To This! What a rare blessing it is to listen to a man who has made John the Baptist's words his own - "He must increase, but I must decrease" (Jn.3:30). This is pulpit power.
Thank you for this sermon! I have a much clearer understanding of the Scriptures regarding divorce and adultery now. Brother Jeff was very helpful and proceeds in a very balanced and careful manner to unravel the mystery many have made of the divorce passages. I believe it was a Spirit-guided message, and I hope to hear the sermon on Matt. 19 later on.
Great Sermon! Truly a blessing and a must hear sermon! May God continue to use you and bless you mightily Pastor Pollard! You've been a divine blessing to my husband and I.
Great Sermon! Excellent message!! Though due to exponential rates of divorce and adultery, our churches have cracked in half and are dumping families on their heads, there remains no consensus at all on the interpretation of the divorce and adultery passages. Pastor Pollard mentions that those of us left in churches are now split into 5 factions who understand -- (a.) if and when divorce is okay and (b.) if and when adultery does not apply -- these completely differently. If only the Bible were clear, much of this disaster (which even precipitated SSM) would have been averted.
Helpful Sermon! As editor of The Messenger, monthly publication of the Free Reformed Churches, I will be recommending this sermon in our magazine..
Great Sermon! Enjoy your sermons very much.Will be listening often.Discovered this site through your musical talents,which I enjoy listening to as well. God Bless You Jeff.
Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor Pollard! You are indeed a mighty used vessel of God! I'm never disappointed by the truth of your sermons... they always encourage me to self-examination!! May God continue to bless you in the profound exposition of the Word! I will continue to faithfully listen to your preaching as they have been sweet words to my soul! Grace & Mercy to you, your family and Mount Zion!
Transformed minds and sacrificial lives Transformed minds and sacrificial lives - by the power of God's Spirit and Word - full of meaning and eternal life,