Great Sermon! He mentions Acts 20:7 which I never really noticed before. But if you examine it phrase by phrase you will notice it is no mistake the Holy Spirit has given us this statement. They meet on the first day of the week to break bread, Paul preaches to them until midnight, waiting to depart on his journey until the Day is ended. Awesome testimony from the New Testament to the Christian Lord's Day.
Great Sermon! Satan is not Omnipotent, which this message implies, being as all things that attack Christians comes directly from Satan.
What is missing, of course, is life, reality. In this sermon we are informed to look toward Aatan as the one who ocassionaly tricks us, trips us up. Subtle. What is never mentioned is human failings.
Because human failings are not mentioned, only Satan blamed, we are left not only to blame Satan but not to chastise ourselves, and so we never coming to learn anything by pulling ourselves up, taking personal responsibility for our failings.
There is an unhealthy eulogy of Satan in this message, which leads to a glorifying of him for what he can do.
The minister ends up declaring the sentimental instruction that we, not him, should humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. We say he does not apply this to himself because as long as he continues to rob God of a title that only belongs to God (Ps.111.9), he remains unhumbled, a thief.
Great Sermon! I enjoyed your sermon on Matt. 25:14-28. I pray more preachers taught these lessons from Scripture. To many so called Christians are in for a rude awakening when Jesus returns.
A Biblically Packed Message! Oh that this message were broadcast to the multitudes! Here is a clear, Biblically based approach to discern whether our actions in worship are true to Gods desire instead of a self-serving desire. Herein lies a truth to true Godly worship.
Great Sermon! I couldn't go to church (Free Presbyterian church of Indianapolis) this morning due to sick kids. I really enjoyed this sermon. May the Lord continue to bless you in your preaching. Merry Christmas!
Great Sermon! I was struggling to understand the true meaning when I read the scripture and I tried many bible versions but could not grasp it. Thank you for opening my understanding of this gospel, I know understand about the vine, branches and the fruit. God bless you and your ministry.
This Truth is at the Heart of the Gospel! May the Lord Jehovah be praised for the precious truth of our Lord's complete and effectual work at the Cross. Here Pastor Goligher proclaims the heart of the Gospel — particular, effectual, successful REDEMPTION! The debt of sin was paid for a definite people, and Christ will have the fruit of His toil and blood — "of them which Thou hast given me, I have lost none," says our Lord in prayer to His Father (John 17).
Here you have the good Calvinistic truth proclaimed clearly and powerfully! May God bless you with "hearing ears" and an "open heart." Amen.
Finally, through the auspices of Sermon Audio, you have the choice of this sermon in audio only or in good-quality video (for high-speed internet users).
Great Sermon! A very needful sermon for the end times of materialism that we live in. Thank God for godly preaching that exposes the error of the prosperity gospel as well as what is needed to overcome such materialism as seen in the church in Laodicea.
A Very Powerful, Needed Sermon! Though this message was preached some time ago it applies even more to this present generation which can only be described as "lawless", for "sin is the transgression of the law" (1 John). Yet modern Christianity has set the Gospel against the Law, Jesus against Moses, as if the law was bad for its judgment & strictness, while it is "just, holy, and good" (Rom. 7). Some are even teaching the gospel is a "higher standard", misunderstanding the Sermon on the Mount here. And Paul further adds, "Do we condemn the law through grace? Nay, we establish (or vindicate) the law"! There is no "good news" without the bad news of personal guilt for sin, which comes by conviction from the Law as God's Prosecutor. Also "Love" has come to mean acting contrary to the strictness of the holy law (i.e. leniency, "sparing the rod", not punishing it civilly, etc), instead of conformity to it, which preserves society. The "greatest commandments" (love God & neighbor) SUMMARIZE the law, they do not contradict or overthrow it! And Revelation speaks of true saints as those "who *keep the commandments of God* AND the faith of Jesus". The preacher convincingly refutes the heresy and clears the Law by Jesus' own teaching, life, and death.
Great Sermon! Thank you! I am always blessed by your ministry, whether on the internet at home or while driving along the border.
Thanks again,
As always, I very much enjoyed your webcast this A.M. Thank you! It's a wonderful thing to know The Savior and to stand on "burnt ground," safe, and saved by His grace for all eternity. -RDL
Interesting sermon! I enjoyed the sermon. I've studied the Sabbath and there were parts I agreed with you and parts I did not. I appreciate you preaching about the Sabbath though. This commandment Seems to have been forgotten.
Glorious Saviour! Wonderful sermon! Gospel-laden message portrays the perfect Saviour of sinners. Thank you Jesus, Son of Man, for Your mercy and love!
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your great sermon. I was born in Comunist Romania and like many of my peers was an atheist. I became saved thru a crisis conversion while in Nigeria working as a medical doctor. I am now in full time ministry here. We pray for revival. The no one enemy is the evil spirit of religion that tells people to attend church, do 'ministry', say that they are born again... but never get truly saved. This religious atmosphere is the fertile soil for the so called 'gospel of prosperity'. We preach Christ crucified. We see now true conversions not only from paganism to Christ but from religion to Christ. Each of these people have a clear testimony that gives glory to God. I write this to encourage you. God bless you, your family and church. In Christ alone
Lia Leigh.