Great Sermon! Your sermon is right on. I came out of the Roman system and I saw my mom saved out of that system as well. She asked for a Christian and Catholic funeral. Strangely, the priest declined and said he felt uncomfortable because she was a Christian. I prayed for that young priest and recently learned he had left the church.
Great Sermon! Sound doctrine taught and set forth about the new birth. All who adhere to the notion of man having a "free will" should listen to the messages in this study. Thanks Pastor Greer.
The Demise of Popery Shown in One Sermon This sermon really predicts the demise of popery as well as the demise of every Roman Catholic pope. Revelation 18:1-24 and Revelation 20:11-15 are worth remembering.
Tower of Siloam It is important to remember Luke 13:1-35 in times like these. Jesus mentioned the eighteen who perished in the Tower of Siloam in Luke 13:4 as an example as a major call to repentance. Just as the eighteen perished when the Tower of Siloam smothered them, so Pope John Paul II and all of the other fallen Roman Catholic popes and Mother Teresa perished when they cleaved to the damnable errors of popery. This sermon is a call for repentance, lest people perish for not repenting.
God’s wondrous mercy May the God of all mercy and grace bless and keep us all until the end. I have been blessed and my heart often burns within as I listen to the truth being proclaimed in the many messages on Sermon Audio By the Free Presbyterian Church.
Great Sermon! Thank you very much for the last three messages concerning the Word of God. The Word of God is truly powerful in all it is sent to do
Thank you 🙏🙏
ALARMING MUST HEAR Sermon! This is a POWERFUL teaching that is easy to understand as it is taught with clear, effective preaching.
I pray millions of followers of Jesus Christ will listen to this Bible Study Series and fully grasp the alarming significance of what is being conveyed in these messages.
This series can also be shared with friends, relatives and loved ones who have no idea what the catholic denomination and vatican govt. institution - truly - is about...
The Popes: Cursed Into Everlasting Fire This is what The Lord will say to every pope before sentencing them into the Lake of Fire: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."
The Popes: Workers of Iniquity It is important to remember Psalm 5:5 and Psalm 7:11 with regards to the Roman Catholic pope. Every Roman Catholic pope that has every existed is a worker of iniquity. Since The Lord is angry with the wicked every day, it means that The Lord is angry with the pope every day.
Great Sermon! I thank the lord for this beautiful sermon. It was a tremendous blessing to me —and to be able to hear it at the perfect time..
Although it is preached to youth - I believe many adults will also be truly blessed to hear it. I pray the lord will guide many more people to listen and be as deeply moved and blessed by it - as I have been.
Thank you lord for this preacher.
To God alone be all glory.
The Popes: Friend of the World and Enemies of God Every Roman Catholic pope that has ever existed always was, is, and will be, a friend of the world and the enemy of God. Remember the sobering message of James 4:4.
The Pope: Slain by God's Righteous Wrath Every pope that has ever existed throughout history, was and will be slain by God's Righteous Wrath. If the pope lived in the days of Elijah on Mount Carmel, Elijah would have slain the pope. This is what Elijah did the prophets of Baal. 1 Kings 18:40 is worth remembering.
Great Sermon! Thankyou for an inspiring sermon on Revial.
Can you please tell me the difference between Calvinism and Hype-Calvinism.
Yours in the Lord,
John Perl