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Rev. Andrew Stewart | Ballymena, Northern Ireland
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Rev. John Greer
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The Pope - The Antichrist
Series:  Reformation Messages 2004  · 3 of 4
10/24/2004 (SUN)
  |  Bible: 1 John 2:18-29
        SUNDAY - PM
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Rev. John Greer
The Pope - The Antichrist

Reformation Messages 2004
Sunday - PM
Ballymena FPC
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Rev. John Greer
The Pope - The Antichrist

Reformation Messages 2004
Ballymena FPC
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gratefulContact via email (4/22/2021)
from United States
“ A Tremendously Powerful SERMON for our day!! ”
As a former Roman Catholic it grieves my heart to see the apostasy growing in our day. What I left in Roman Catholicism, seems to be gathering a huge momentum and is being embraced by Bible believers who sadly are being deceived. (Matthew 24:24, Rom 16:18, Rev 20:3,8 ) Many Roman Catholics believe that they understand the truth, while they use words that are used in the Bible, the meaning is far different. The traditions of Roman Catholicism have even been carried into RC Bible studies, teaching their heresies to further ensnare their deceived souls. In each response to the Truth, Rome seems more and more entrapping the masses of the Roman Catholics. Here in the United States of America the attack by Rome on Fundamentalism and Bible believers has continued growing... Thank you again for this timely message--It truly strengthens my soul with the armor of Truth and burden for lost family members. It seems there is a very subtle and serious attack against ministers of the Gospel who wish to remain true to the WORD of God and the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ today. Each needs the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the Grace of God to stand against this coming Apostasy!!

Roberta LudkeContact via email (5/30/2019)
from Ontario
“ Great Sermon! ”
Your sermon is right on. I came out of the Roman system and I saw my mom saved out of that system as well. She asked for a Christian and Catholic funeral. Strangely, the priest declined and said he felt uncomfortable because she was a Christian. I prayed for that young priest and recently learned he had left the church.

Anonymous Name (5/12/2019)
“ The Demise of Popery Shown in One Sermon ”
This sermon really predicts the demise of popery as well as the demise of every Roman Catholic pope. Revelation 18:1-24 and Revelation 20:11-15 are worth remembering.

Anonymous Name (5/8/2019)
“ Bare Naked Popery Exposed ”
This sermon exposes the damnable heresies of bare naked popery.

Anonymous Name (5/4/2019)
“ Tower of Siloam ”
It is important to remember Luke 13:1-35 in times like these. Jesus mentioned the eighteen who perished in the Tower of Siloam in Luke 13:4 as an example as a major call to repentance. Just as the eighteen perished when the Tower of Siloam smothered them, so Pope John Paul II and all of the other fallen Roman Catholic popes and Mother Teresa perished when they cleaved to the damnable errors of popery. This sermon is a call for repentance, lest people perish for not repenting.

Anonymous Name (2/23/2019)
“ The Popes: Cursed Into Everlasting Fire ”
This is what The Lord will say to every pope before sentencing them into the Lake of Fire: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."

Anonymous Name (2/23/2019)
“ The Popes: Workers of Iniquity ”
It is important to remember Psalm 5:5 and Psalm 7:11 with regards to the Roman Catholic pope. Every Roman Catholic pope that has every existed is a worker of iniquity. Since The Lord is angry with the wicked every day, it means that The Lord is angry with the pope every day.

Anonymous Name (2/4/2019)
“ The Popes: Friend of the World and Enemies of God ”
Every Roman Catholic pope that has ever existed always was, is, and will be, a friend of the world and the enemy of God. Remember the sobering message of James 4:4.

Anonymous Name (1/20/2019)
“ The Pope: Slain by God's Righteous Wrath ”
Every pope that has ever existed throughout history, was and will be slain by God's Righteous Wrath. If the pope lived in the days of Elijah on Mount Carmel, Elijah would have slain the pope. This is what Elijah did the prophets of Baal. 1 Kings 18:40 is worth remembering.

Anonymous Name (5/30/2018)
“ Pope: Predetermined for Eternal Punishment ”
Every Roman Catholic pope is predetermined to be punished for their sins in Hell and be cast into the Lake of Fire. Until then, God's Curse is on the blasphemous pope.

Unspecified name (1/19/2018)
“ No hope in the pope! ”
Every Roman Catholic pope, as well as Mother Teresa, and their Roman Catholic followers, are headed for eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire. Before that, the Roman Catholic popes, Mother Teresa, and all of the Roman Catholic followers, will have their sins exposed at the Great White Throne. Remember Revelation 20:11-15. The Lake of Fire is the final destination for all of the popes.

Jake (10/17/2015)
from Atlanta, GA
“ Great Sermon! ”
While being convinced of the sinfulness of the Roman Catholic Church and the Papacy, I'd been looking for more material on this historic position of the Pope as the Antichrist (which my church confesses as well). This was very helpful. Thank you.

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  Rev. John Greer
Rev. John Greer is pastor of the Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church and former Moderator of Presbytery in Northern Ireland. Born in County Antrim, Mr. Greer was minister of Sixmilecross Free Presbyterian Church, County Tyrone, before moving to the United States in 1983 to pastor...

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