Essential part misses. It is not the entire message, so there are presented some qualities of David and Solomon, but the part in which these are applied to Christ misses.
Enlighting Sermon! A gracious, sweeping picture of the unity of the Bible; all the books are interconnected. How much easier it is to comprehend the new birth promise fulfilled in the New Testament when you can see how and why the promise was made in the Old Testament.
Great Comforter. Our encouragement is that the Lord is praying for us, His people, and not only that, but He comes to us in our storms, He is with us. He comes at His time.
Loving the Lord. Text of the sermon is Psalm 63:8, not Psalm 62:8. A plea for clinging to the Lord, for a personal relationship with Him, which means forsaking sin and idols and being dedicated only to Him.
Great salvation. Righteousness of God as His attribute, which brings wrath on sinners. And righteousness of God as gift, which brings salvation, by imputation.
That Rock was Christ! What a wonderful message. To think that he did all of that, only referencing 1 Cor 10 at the end. It's wonderful to hear how much biblical flesh Ed Clowney was able to put around Paul's "that Rock was Christ."