Great liberation. Deeds of the flesh control every unconverted man: the sensualist and the moralist, even the quiet ungodly. The Spirit of the Lord brigs liberty and make us walk willingly and joyfully in the ways of the Lord.
Great encouragement. Great encouragement: Christ, the Author of our salvation, finished the race. And other saints of God finished the race. We can learn from them how to run.
4 aspects of an apostle. Fourfold aspect of the apostolic office: as witness, as an administrator of the mysteries of Christ, as a missionary ans as a model.
Growing in the knowledge of God. Fear of God and love of God generate wisdom. Wisdom is grounded in knowing the Lord in a personal relationship. God wants us to grow in understanding, to discern good from evil.
God our only hope. Jonah believed that his action of preaching in Niniveh will bring the destruction of his country by the Assirians. He perceived not that the Lord wants him to be a sign for the Jews in exile: like him, they will cry from the depth and will be saved by the Lord. So it is with us: salvation is of the Lord.
Lord of His church. Sovereignty of God over His church. God makes His church grow in persecution and by an ex-persecutor. Growing not only in number, but in faith, in knowing Christ.
Great hope in the future. A prophecy about the climax of God's redeeming work, about God's rule coming in the ministry of the Messiah. Peace with God cannot be except the atonement made by Christ in His blood.
Great Liberator. Excellent exposition of the text in the light of the year of Jubilee. Christ frees us from the oppression of Satan and sin. At the end of the message, great comparison between liberty as Satan presents it and liberty as Jesus presents it!
Gospel of God. Good proclamation of the fact that the Gospel is not a human invention, but it is the Gospel of God, it has it's origin in God and contains the saving acts of God in Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, the Messiah promised to the Jews.
Great sin. Sin of men is against the light brought by the revelation of God. It is sin against God and man and it is a progressive sin. Sin of men brings the wrath of God.
Pilgrims. We are not at home in Babylon. Babylon is not holy, is not for ever and will be judges by God. We are citizens of a heavenly city and we must show before men this thing.
Great freedom. The yoke of Christ as the teaching of Christ. It is not burden, but it is easy, because it frees you from sin and legalism. And a comparison between the yoke if Christ and the yoke of Islam.
Great blessing in Christ. The Psalm stresses the origin of blessing: it comes from heaven, from God. And the abundance of blessing. We received the blessing because we are united with Christ, who blesses us with the Holy Spirit.
Great comfort. God takes care of us. He knows our deeds and tears. Our comfort is that He wrote our names in His book. David knew that in that fearful situation God was with him.
Great price of Christ's gifts. The gifts Christ gives His people are not of little value, but the fruit of His sufferings. And we must not forget that these gifts come to us only through His death and victory over Satan.
Great battle. Tempting of Christ presented as a battle. Patience and faith of Christ tested. Satan wants to bring Him into apostasy. Christ is a winner, for He trusts in God in submission. He is not using God for His sake, but He is using Himself for God's sake.