Christ judged for us. One of the best messages of Clowney! God was the judge and God was the judged! Because of Christ judged for us, we have life and we can drink spiritual water! Blessed Savior!
Legalism or love? Excellent lesson: deeds done in legalistic fashion, to acquire merits, flow not from love. But the heart of Christian religion is love and compassion, expressed in the love of Christ for miserable sinners.
Faithful God. We must see in Jacob's life not only a moral teaching, but how the promise of God made to Abraham comes to fulfillment. God will always fulfill what He promised. A better understanding of the flow of Genesis will give us a better theology.
Glory of God. Worship is attracted by the glory of God. The glory of God in creation, in His governing the world and in His salvation. The glory of His being and of His works.
I will be your God. A message about God's covenant with His people: God will be their God and they His people. I liked especially the part on Exodus 33 and 34, on Moses' attitude toward this.
God's zeal for exclusive worship. God's jealousy is God's zeal for the glory of His name. God wants exclusive worship; worship cannot be shared with other gods. God wants pure worship, not through images. Worship of a personal God, in Christ, in truth according to His revealed will.
Only way to God. We can worship God only because of what Jesus did and is doing for for us, as Prophet (we worship God on the basis of the Word revealed to us), as Priest (He died for us and prays for us) and as our King.
God gives us His name. In Christ, God takes upon Himself the name of a man, our name. In Christ, God gives us His name. We must live worthy of this name and not to dishonor it.
Our identity. Our identity established by our calling by name by Christ, by our service to Christ and by our fellowship in the Body of Christ. It is the message with the most humor from all the sermons I listened from Dr. Clowney.
Our King, not our servant. Christ is the King and our deliverer. He is not at our disposal and serves not our agenda, but wants us to be at His disposal.
People of Christ. "The Church is not something we invent or re-invent, but something we receive from Christ", says Dr. Clowney. Because it is the Church of Christ. The Church is founded on the Person of Christ and on the teaching of the apostles, a Word revealed to them by Christ. And Christ will build His church, through His death and resurrection and through His messengers after He went to heaven.
Doctrines of Grace lead not to sin! Good refutation, in chapter six, that the Doctrines of Grace would lead to sin. Dr. Clowney also discusses Romans 7, where, struggling with the Victorious Life in Christ teaching (chapter 7 as a description of a defeated Christian) and the Reformed position (chapter 7 as normal Christian life), he takes a somewhat middle view (chapter 7 as presentation of a Christian trying to live by the Law).
Christian joy. We can find no reason to rejoice in ourselves, but in Christ and in His salvation. He can rejoice in the Lord and bring our joy to the Lord, praising Him. And to live so that we may bring joy to God.
Justified by faith, not works. Like Abraham, we are justified by faith in the grace and the promise of Gd, not in our works. Good differentiating between what it means to be justified by faith and what it means to try to justify yourself by works, and about the consequences of these things.
Moralism do not save. The Gentiles are not justified by their works, nor the Jews, but they that are justified by faith in Christ. From minutes 28-34 there is an interruption in the message.
Great salvation. A critique of the movie "Last Temptation of Christ". Christ was bound to the cross not by lack of power, but by His will. He is the only sin-bearer.